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Jul 26, 2006
:( :( :( Im Trying to install the xpress Recovery 2 On my hard drive
I have a serial ATA drive but on Gigabytes website
It states :
Xpress Recovery2 supports only PATA hard disks and not SATA hard disks on the following motherboards (As this is a BIOS-related issue, it can be solved by BIOS update)
i have Sence updated the bios to Version F9
Date 02/10/2006
i used the @bios software to do this
but still cannot install xpress recovery 2
is there something I have to change in the bios so it detects
SATA Drive instead of IDE
Because When I try to setup Recovery 2 from The disk I get

Ide drive is not existance or all primary partion are occupied

I have installed all the updates from The Gigabyte website but still cannot Fix this one issue

8O Please Help :!: :!: :!:
A.S.A.P 8O

Thank you for your time

Model Name : GA-K8N Pro-SLI
BIOS Ver : F9
VGA Brand : Asus N5750
CPU Brand : AMD 64FX 3700
Win XP SP2
2xGeil DDR 512
Memory Size : 1.00gb
Speed : 2.21ghz
Power Supply : 550 W :( :( :( :(


May 6, 2006
Many mobo's have a BIOS setting to access SATA devices in either a "legacy" or "IDE" mode, I am not familiar with your board but I know I've seen it on other boards. Perhaps give it a go? The worst it can do is not work (which is where you are at right now). Either find it in the manual or just look through the BIOS itself.


Jul 26, 2006
:D :twisted: MMM mine doesnt support this feature i guess
searched everywhere no such luck owell
thanks for the reply anyhelp is good
:twisted: :cry:


Sep 8, 2006
:( :( :( Im Trying to install the xpress Recovery 2 On my hard drive
I have a serial ATA drive but on Gigabytes website
It states :
Xpress Recovery2 supports only PATA hard disks and not SATA hard disks on the following motherboards (As this is a BIOS-related issue, it can be solved by BIOS update)
i have Sence updated the bios to Version F9
Date 02/10/2006
i used the @bios software to do this
but still cannot install xpress recovery 2
is there something I have to change in the bios so it detects
SATA Drive instead of IDE
Because When I try to setup Recovery 2 from The disk I get

Ide drive is not existance or all primary partion are occupied

I have installed all the updates from The Gigabyte website but still cannot Fix this one issue

8O Please Help :!: :!: :!:
A.S.A.P 8O

Thank you for your time

Model Name : GA-K8N Pro-SLI
BIOS Ver : F9
VGA Brand : Asus N5750
CPU Brand : AMD 64FX 3700
Win XP SP2
2xGeil DDR 512
Memory Size : 1.00gb
Speed : 2.21ghz
Power Supply : 550 W :( :( :( :(


Oct 2, 2006
hey i'm new on these forums but have you been able to get it working?

i cant onmy k8nf9 - same error message as well. updated bios and everything


Nov 24, 2006
I have Gigabyte GA-K8N5IPVM9-RH Motherboard and when XP sp2 is installed on either a

Excelstor Technology J8160s 160 Gb Sata HDD partioned 140/20 Gb


Maxtor 6Y060L0 60Gb Pata HDD partioned 40/20 Gb

I boot up from the Motherboard CD Xpress Recovery Screen Appears I select the option to Backup after a few seconds I also get the Message HDDD is Full. No room to store image File!!!
Bios File on motherboard is F3 the latest from Gigabytes website although this motherboard should support SAta HDD it would not work with Pata HDD as stated above.

I have emailed Gigabyte and they replied stating they could not produce this problem I then asked them are there any more BIOS settings required.
They replied to >>Go into Advanced Bios and boot from cd????
If they had read the First question they would have realised I have already done this.

Anyone else with Gigabyte MB been able to get Xpress Recovery2 working ?


Oct 16, 2006
all i know the advanced bios section for gigabyte boards appears when you press either alt+f1 or ctrl+f1 while on the main bios screen options


Nov 24, 2006
Thats right on my board its Control + F1

Gives additional Bios Features

Enables you to alter Clock Speeds etc and enable SMART for HDD

I can`t understand why I get message HDD is full though when it is not.


Nov 24, 2006
I have now managed to install Xpress Recovey 2

I had made the following error previously I Partitioned the SATA 160Gb hard drive approx 140/20 Gb and Formatted the 140 gb in NTFS and the 20Gb in NTFS and Installed Windows XP sp2 on the 140Gb partition along with all my other software. I assumed that Xpress Recovery2 would store an Ghost image of XP / Software on 20Gb partition when booting up using Gigabyte MB CD and selecting Backup I got Message HDD is full Error 403.

As I had a bit of freetime on my hands I did a bit of trial and error and did the Following.
1, I Erased the hard drive (Using Eraser 5.81 Freeware)

2, I Created / Formatted Partition approx 144000Mb and installed Xp / Software on this.

3, This left me a Raw unpartitioned area on the Hard Drive sufficient to Store Ghost Image.

4, I switched off Norton antivirus, anti-Spyware etc.

5, I booted up using MB CD and Xpress Recovery2 loaded and successfully created Ghost Image in unpartioned area on HD.

6, I rebooted PC in boot HD mode pressing F9 (This according to Gigabyte Manual should give you the Xpress Recovery 2 Selection Menu :- RESTORE - RESTORE- DELETE or REBOOT This did not occur!???

7, I therefore rebooted using MB CD and menu appeared and it functions correctly.

8, To prove I Deleted Primery partition and created a New partition NTFS I booted again using MB CD and selected RESTORE within 15 minutes Ghost image of XP / Software was rewritten onto NTFS Partitition.

Hope this helps anyone else trying to install Xpress Recovery 2.

What I would like to do now is copy the Ghost image onto another hard drive could someone please advise on any Freebie software about that will see/ transfer Ghost Image onto another HD


Hey do you have an additional IDE drive? The reason is the xpress recovery2 will only look for the IDE first and then only SATA. if your ide dont have os and no space it always says like that. try unplugging IDe and run express recovery2.

email: REDACTED - SS


Aug 15, 2011
Hi guys!

just thought I would offer some assistance on this issue, as I too have been agonising over the problems with getting Gigabyte's Xpress Recovery2 tool to work.

Having already used it successfully weeks previous on a customer's computer I thought I would backup my own new system the same way. 403 - "Not enough HDD Space" error, as everyone else. I tried everything mentioned above, and in other forums, including connecting drives in other configurations, etc etc.

As correctly stated by users and the GB manual, the Xpress tool needs unallocated space at the end of the drive to work. I can confirm it works fine on SATA drives (you MAY need a BIOS upgrade, if you are having problems - especially with >2TB drives).
The problem I was having was I had already turned on the other nice Gigabyte feature (BIOS backup) which also uses space at the end of the first HDD (in my case 8MB was allocated).
Although this had not shown up originally in the Disk Management tool, it was showing on later boots.
I disabled this in the BIOS. Deleted the partition using Windows Disk Management, and that again freed up all remaining space on the drive (right to the end of the drive - which Xpress Recovery needs).

Tried again to boot from the Gigabyte Motherboard disc and run the Xpress Recovery2 tool... and it run through perfect.

Further thoughts:
I disagree with others who say don't use this tool/backup process. For anyone who has ever had a proprietary system (Sony, HP, Dell, NEC, PB, etc) you will know that they normally come with easy Recovery options to restore the system to "factory state". Gigabyte have allowed the average user to have the same useful feature on their custom made PC.

As instructed by the GB manual, do your basic install of Windows, update all motherboard drivers, graphics/sound drivers, and maybe some relevant Windows updates. (In my case I did the whole shebang and installed every update recommended). Do any basic tweaking, customising of screens, Explorer, desktop, etc... (as these are only registry stored settings and save time later redoing them). Confirm you have a reliable working system - even run a few tests (eg. BurnInTest by PassMark and memtest86, to name two). Then go ahead and backup your system using the Gigabyte Xpress Recovery tool. So long as you do not have a fatal HDD failure you can easily restore the main system partition to "your" factory state.

Naturally, anything you install after that backup will not be covered so normal backups/cloning tools can then kick in. Yes, storing them on secondary or external HDDs is the best/safest option. There are many tools on the market for this now, including Acronis True Image, EASEUS Todo Backup, Casper, and a favourite amongst the more techie-minded CloneZilla (normally runs 5 times faster than other tools!).

I hope this information can help others, and maybe solve your particular problem with this tool. I'm a huge Gigabyte fan, and prefer their systems over ASUS and others, having installed, tested and used many for other customers... but each to his own!

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