GA-P67A-UD7 USB 3 Turbo Function


Hi everyone,

On the newer Gigabyte boards, there are two USB 3.0 controllers (Reeesas D720200).
First one controlls 5 USB 3 ports on the back I/O face plate, and the Second controls 1 USB 3 port to the lelft of the Audio plugs, as well as the 2 sets of the 'new' USB 3 headers on the MB.

In the BIOS, on the Integrated Peripherals page, just below the First USB 3 Controller (enable/disable) choice, they list a USB 3 Turbo feature related to the First USB 3 controller

Any idea what that does or is supposed to do?
The manual says "enables or disables the USB3 turbo mode. The actual performance may vary depending on the number of devices being installed" Not too helpful.

Any sage remarks as to what exactly a USB 3 Turbo Mode does, and if it should be used? It is 'disabled by default'

The USB 3 Turbo shares the PCIe 16 lanes which is causing a lot of problems. I thought I mentioned this to you before?!

I wrote this to Tecmo34 sometime ago "I don't know what sections you're working on, but if you post in the GPU section Gigabyte has a very interesting BUG with their USB 3 Turbo mode. Two examples, 1. P67/Z68 UD7 (NF200) if running SLI USB 3 Turbo {Enabled} x8/x8 ; {Disabled} x16/x16, 2. USB 3 Turbo {Disabled} Disabled PCIe ; USB 3 Turbo {Enabled} Enabled PCIe."

Either GA-P67A-UD7 or GA-Z68X-UD7-B3 is the #1 NF200 examples.
The Z68X-UD3H-B3 is an example of #2 above.

Hi Jaquith,

Looks like it should just be left disabled, for the little boost and potential problems it can cause involving the PCI-e slots
On YOUR UD7 IMO USB Turbo {Disabled} on other GA equipped with USB Turbo sometimes it needs to be {Enabled} if using an otherwise 'off' PCIe.

In either case Gigabyte needs quit screwing with the GPU PCIe lanes to make other 'stuff' fractionally faster. There are VERY VERY few USB 3 devices much faster than their USB 2 counterparts; like tossing a SATA3 Interface on a mechanical HDD. You must verify the devices 'real' R/W transfer rates.

In your case, use GPU-z to verify the PCIe lanes between the two settings.