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"Steven" <> wrote in message
> Then please tell me how and where is the best way to Trade a Gheeds
> Fortune GC and or a Anni/ sc.
<massive snippage>
Ok so you want to trade those drops and NOT rip someone else or yourself off
right? There are several different methods none are foolproof.
1/You and the trader goto a private game hit act 2. You know the balcony
area near the palace entrance? One stands up there the other goes to the
bottom each drops your stuff (both are able to see items hit the ground) and
then you both have to run to the others area to get the goods.
2/Use level one chars only for the trade so they have no skills can't be
hostiled etc. Will show you how serious the trader is if they are willing to
make a lvl one char and mule before trading item.
3/Get a third party involved who is trustworthy. 3rd party goes into private
game with seller and gets item. ng with buyer only and gets item. Confirms
stats on both items being traded if all things in order then makes new game
private with seller only gives item. ng with buyer only gives item. trade
accomplished. Takes a bit of time and finding a neutral trustworthy third
party can be a pain considering most people are bloody greedy gits LMFAO!
But I would trust several people from here to do it. The problem most likely
would be that the person you want to trade with doesn't know anyone from
In a World Full of Insanity
Here I Stand.