Hello everyone (English is not my first language),
Long story short - I'm facing that kind of a problem: While gaming (mostly demanding AAA titles) there is an annoying sound coming out from my speakers + multiple random freezes occuring at the same time.
My PC specs:
Motherboard: MSI B450 Tomahawk;
RAM: Kingston Fury Beast Dual-Channel DDR4 2667MHz - 16GB (2x8GB);
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600;
GPU: AMD Radeon RX 570;
HDD: WD Blue 1TB, 7200rpm, 64MB, SATA III;
SSD: Intel 545s Series, 256GB, 2.5", SATA III;
PSU: be quiet! System Power 9 600W;
OS: Windows 10 Pro (64-bit), version 22H2.
Here I'll go fully in-depth so you can get a better idea of what I am talking about.
When I play CS2; CoD: MW 1, 2 (the remastered editions from 2016 and 2020) and 3; GTA 5 or RDR2 I experience a lot of random game freezes (the games are not crashing or shutting down themselves) and my speakers are buzzing/humming non-stop while the games are running. At first, the buzzing/humming seemed to fade away after some time. Another time, the buzzing sound was changing - it was louder or quieter but still I could clearly hear it. Now buzzing stays constant and I can't get rid of it. I have to say that this is happening only when I play a game (My PC is doing great while browsing, watching movies). I tried some benchmarks and there is a buzzing sound again but it is not that let's say dominant as it is while I'm gaming.
Also, there is that strange thing happening as well - When I play CS2 I can hold a weapon (with a skin applied to it) but I see the weapon only (the skin becomes visible after almost a minute later) but I am still able to use it, shoot some enemies, jump, move, etc. Sometimes: when I open the buy menu most of the weapons icons are just gone, but it is possible for me to buy a weapon (although I can't see it); The weapons or CT/T agents in the menu have (I don't know how to say it) complete red outline/outfit; The mini-map appears blurry to me and suddenly it goes back to normal; If someone kills someone - I see players' names only (no weapons between them as it should be or just "A name - headshot icon - a name"). Once, I saw these missing weapons in-between to appear after a while and I could clearly see them to literally put themselves where they had to be during all that time.
While playing CS2 or CoD: MW series there is a delay in the actions: In CoD - when characters are speaking between each other - there is nothing that shows up on my screen and then suddenly boom - multiple subtitle lines popping up all at once. Sometimes, while the game is running the sound just disappers (but the video goes on) and then it starts again after a certain time.
Rarely (I mean very rarely), when I try to open Steam or some other programs - they simply do not start or instead attempting to start and then going to "Not Responding" and then once again - multiple actions happening at once (in that particular case - a program loads, opens up another window).
The freezes are occuring at a different time and at a different frequency - Sometimes, they appear 20 mins after the moment I've started a game, other times - immediately after starting a game. The freezes used to occur every 5 to 10 mins, but now they are happening like almost non-stop (seconds or a minute one after another). Only while I'm playing CS2, despite the freezes that are happening on a random basis, there are also freezes when: I kill an enemy, an enemy kills me, the game starts, the game ends, and so on. If I'm doing absolutely nothing, the game freezes again from time to time. While navigating through the menu - there are always freezes occuring, but they are so small compared to the other ones - 1 to 3 seconds remaining. [The random freezes are happening no matter the game I'm playing, but the menu freezes and these specific freezes (someone kills me or I kill someone, the game is ending - the first team to win 8 round in casual mode) are happening in CS2 only]
If my game freezes, there are 2 scenarios - no video and no audio for me or no video but the audio still there.
I've always been very cautious in terms of my PC health - virus scans, HDD/SSD scans, no dust inside my PC case. I have (in my opinion) a great cable management/cooling system. I've never done any physical damage to my PC (in fact if a see a single drop from a liquid over my case I'm going to clean it immediately). When I play games - I do it on maximum video setting (very high and ultra) - CPU/GPU temps are 50–55°C and 70–75°C respectively (which I think is totally fine). 5 days ago I changed my RAM sticks for the first time since I've built my PC (5 years ago). So high temperatures/heat or faulty RAM are obviously not the reason for my problems.
I'm still reading a lot of opinions and possible solutions over different forums out there, but nothing is working for me so far. What I know is - that problem is happening to a lot of guys (I'm not the only one) with a different PC components - no matter the hardware components's brands - AMD, Intel or nVidia. Updating almost everything possible in your system - OS; GPU, CPU, sound, etc. drivers; BIOS does not solve the problem most of the time (as it is the same with me - I've updated my OS, GPU, CPU, BIOS, drivers so that everything can be up to date, but still nothing changes for me and freezes occuring any time while I'm gaming). One guy, who said he has changed his PSU with a brand new one and that solved the problem for him but for 2 weeks only and then freezes happening for him again... Doing a fresh and clean Windows install does not solve the problem as well. Messing with some system files and changing their values can even lead to a bigger problems to the point where your screen goes black and you cannot even access your BIOS. Changing GPU's core and memory clocks does not helped me (as I already tried this).
These nasty freezes started while I was playing CS:GO like 1 month ago (if I remember right) and that annoying sound accompanying them - but back then it was more of a coil whine sound rather than buzzing/humming.
I don't have another PC hardware components around me so it's impossible for me to try changing them one by one and eventually see which is the faulty one.
How can these freezes come out of nowhere for me, considering I haven't done anything bad to my system - no damages, no overclocking, no nothing (I can't remember doing something wrong to my PC at the time these problems occured). What's more, although maybe all of the games I have already mentioned in my post above are requiring 16 GB of RAM for a smooth experience, until last Friday, I've always been playing them with 8 GB of RAM (2x4GB) and I can't complain for any issues because of that. I've been reading for a bad hardware components symptoms... and it looks like one symptom can be applied to many more of your PC's components.
I'm really looking forward for your honest answers/possible solutions guys
Have a nice day.
Long story short - I'm facing that kind of a problem: While gaming (mostly demanding AAA titles) there is an annoying sound coming out from my speakers + multiple random freezes occuring at the same time.
My PC specs:
Motherboard: MSI B450 Tomahawk;
RAM: Kingston Fury Beast Dual-Channel DDR4 2667MHz - 16GB (2x8GB);
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600;
GPU: AMD Radeon RX 570;
HDD: WD Blue 1TB, 7200rpm, 64MB, SATA III;
SSD: Intel 545s Series, 256GB, 2.5", SATA III;
PSU: be quiet! System Power 9 600W;
OS: Windows 10 Pro (64-bit), version 22H2.
Here I'll go fully in-depth so you can get a better idea of what I am talking about.
When I play CS2; CoD: MW 1, 2 (the remastered editions from 2016 and 2020) and 3; GTA 5 or RDR2 I experience a lot of random game freezes (the games are not crashing or shutting down themselves) and my speakers are buzzing/humming non-stop while the games are running. At first, the buzzing/humming seemed to fade away after some time. Another time, the buzzing sound was changing - it was louder or quieter but still I could clearly hear it. Now buzzing stays constant and I can't get rid of it. I have to say that this is happening only when I play a game (My PC is doing great while browsing, watching movies). I tried some benchmarks and there is a buzzing sound again but it is not that let's say dominant as it is while I'm gaming.
Also, there is that strange thing happening as well - When I play CS2 I can hold a weapon (with a skin applied to it) but I see the weapon only (the skin becomes visible after almost a minute later) but I am still able to use it, shoot some enemies, jump, move, etc. Sometimes: when I open the buy menu most of the weapons icons are just gone, but it is possible for me to buy a weapon (although I can't see it); The weapons or CT/T agents in the menu have (I don't know how to say it) complete red outline/outfit; The mini-map appears blurry to me and suddenly it goes back to normal; If someone kills someone - I see players' names only (no weapons between them as it should be or just "A name - headshot icon - a name"). Once, I saw these missing weapons in-between to appear after a while and I could clearly see them to literally put themselves where they had to be during all that time.
While playing CS2 or CoD: MW series there is a delay in the actions: In CoD - when characters are speaking between each other - there is nothing that shows up on my screen and then suddenly boom - multiple subtitle lines popping up all at once. Sometimes, while the game is running the sound just disappers (but the video goes on) and then it starts again after a certain time.
Rarely (I mean very rarely), when I try to open Steam or some other programs - they simply do not start or instead attempting to start and then going to "Not Responding" and then once again - multiple actions happening at once (in that particular case - a program loads, opens up another window).
The freezes are occuring at a different time and at a different frequency - Sometimes, they appear 20 mins after the moment I've started a game, other times - immediately after starting a game. The freezes used to occur every 5 to 10 mins, but now they are happening like almost non-stop (seconds or a minute one after another). Only while I'm playing CS2, despite the freezes that are happening on a random basis, there are also freezes when: I kill an enemy, an enemy kills me, the game starts, the game ends, and so on. If I'm doing absolutely nothing, the game freezes again from time to time. While navigating through the menu - there are always freezes occuring, but they are so small compared to the other ones - 1 to 3 seconds remaining. [The random freezes are happening no matter the game I'm playing, but the menu freezes and these specific freezes (someone kills me or I kill someone, the game is ending - the first team to win 8 round in casual mode) are happening in CS2 only]
If my game freezes, there are 2 scenarios - no video and no audio for me or no video but the audio still there.
I've always been very cautious in terms of my PC health - virus scans, HDD/SSD scans, no dust inside my PC case. I have (in my opinion) a great cable management/cooling system. I've never done any physical damage to my PC (in fact if a see a single drop from a liquid over my case I'm going to clean it immediately). When I play games - I do it on maximum video setting (very high and ultra) - CPU/GPU temps are 50–55°C and 70–75°C respectively (which I think is totally fine). 5 days ago I changed my RAM sticks for the first time since I've built my PC (5 years ago). So high temperatures/heat or faulty RAM are obviously not the reason for my problems.
I'm still reading a lot of opinions and possible solutions over different forums out there, but nothing is working for me so far. What I know is - that problem is happening to a lot of guys (I'm not the only one) with a different PC components - no matter the hardware components's brands - AMD, Intel or nVidia. Updating almost everything possible in your system - OS; GPU, CPU, sound, etc. drivers; BIOS does not solve the problem most of the time (as it is the same with me - I've updated my OS, GPU, CPU, BIOS, drivers so that everything can be up to date, but still nothing changes for me and freezes occuring any time while I'm gaming). One guy, who said he has changed his PSU with a brand new one and that solved the problem for him but for 2 weeks only and then freezes happening for him again... Doing a fresh and clean Windows install does not solve the problem as well. Messing with some system files and changing their values can even lead to a bigger problems to the point where your screen goes black and you cannot even access your BIOS. Changing GPU's core and memory clocks does not helped me (as I already tried this).
These nasty freezes started while I was playing CS:GO like 1 month ago (if I remember right) and that annoying sound accompanying them - but back then it was more of a coil whine sound rather than buzzing/humming.
I don't have another PC hardware components around me so it's impossible for me to try changing them one by one and eventually see which is the faulty one.
How can these freezes come out of nowhere for me, considering I haven't done anything bad to my system - no damages, no overclocking, no nothing (I can't remember doing something wrong to my PC at the time these problems occured). What's more, although maybe all of the games I have already mentioned in my post above are requiring 16 GB of RAM for a smooth experience, until last Friday, I've always been playing them with 8 GB of RAM (2x4GB) and I can't complain for any issues because of that. I've been reading for a bad hardware components symptoms... and it looks like one symptom can be applied to many more of your PC's components.
I'm really looking forward for your honest answers/possible solutions guys

Have a nice day.
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