Recently my PC went to [vulgarity redacted] and won't let me play any games. I get under 30fps and constant stuttering. Can anyone help me.
intel Core i7-10700K
U3E1, 1 CPU, 8 cores, 16 threads
Base clock 3.8 GHz, turbo 0.45 GHz (avg)
Graphics Card

Nvidia RTX 3070
CLim: 2100 MHz, MLim: 3500 MHz, Ram: 8GB, Driver: 537.34
WD Blue SN550 NVMe PCIe M.2 500GB
359GB free (System drive)
Firmware: 211210WD Max speed: PCIe 5,000 MB/s
SusWrite @10s intervals: 553 360 379 376 399 402 MB/s
Memory Kit
Adata DDR4 3000 2x8GB
2 of 4 slots used
16GB DIMM DDR4 clocked @ 3000 MHz
intel Core i7-10700K
U3E1, 1 CPU, 8 cores, 16 threads
Base clock 3.8 GHz, turbo 0.45 GHz (avg)
Graphics Card

Nvidia RTX 3070
CLim: 2100 MHz, MLim: 3500 MHz, Ram: 8GB, Driver: 537.34
WD Blue SN550 NVMe PCIe M.2 500GB
359GB free (System drive)
Firmware: 211210WD Max speed: PCIe 5,000 MB/s
SusWrite @10s intervals: 553 360 379 376 399 402 MB/s
Memory Kit
Adata DDR4 3000 2x8GB
2 of 4 slots used
16GB DIMM DDR4 clocked @ 3000 MHz
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