Games losing fps (CPU Problem?)


Feb 7, 2014
Hi, having some problems in Battlefield 4, League of legends, etc...After 5min gameplay the problems starts in League of legends starts with 170fps and drops to 60 sometimes 11 fps and i need to restart the game, battlefield 4 cant even play at high at 1080p, with mantle or dx11 same problems.

FX 6300
Sapphire r9 270x Toxic edition
8GB 1866mhz
Thermaltake 600w


ASRock 960GM-VGS3 FX

And yes its TR2, both have 2 years old

I would start by replacing the PSU. But it could be either one of the 2. The motherboard caused throttling(due to poor vrms) is more common with the fx 83xx cpus, but I have seen it occur with the 63xx cpus aswell.
Only had that problem with the CPU spikes this week, but i dont understand why people with the same specs can play the game at ultra and me with medium and get 40 to 60fps and when the spikes begging 40to30

The TR2 uses very cheap components, and the cheaper the components the faster they degrade. As they degrade the voltage regulation worsens and creates instability(throttling and eventually random shutdowns), continued use can lead to the PSU failing and damaging other parts attached to it. The same is true with the VRMs on the motherboard especially where that boards lacks a heatsink on the VRMs.

And if its not a PSU problem, its a waste of money and i am not rich 🙁, need to be 100% sure, but for now and what i saw on the graph like the print i take on bt4 i only see the cpu spikes...thats why i am a little confusing? is that overheat? Cores problems?....i only can say, what i cant do or what i dont understand how to go and check

OH wait! the PSU is thermaltake Litepower 600w (atx 12v and something saying 2.3) sorry my bad

For other side, my cpu is dying? Because some people have this CPU with the 280x and run fine =(