Gaming laptop Australia


Jan 19, 2015
I have been looking for a powerful laptop for some time and have been bumping up my budget but think it has reached its max. Before you say desktop and laptop I want to do game development, simple 3D design and photo shop from the laptop and here in Australia to get a dedicated GPU it will be about $800 leaving about $800 in my budget and for that the desktop won't be better then a $1600 laptop... With that out of the way
I am looking at two that I configured the same:
MSI ge62 and a Metabox prime (clevo) think it code is some like P655*** or something.
The MSI has
I7 4720hq
8gb Ram
1tb HDD

While the clevo is the same but gtx 965m and the clevo is about $40 cheaper (not really worth noting)

With just that the clevo wins but the MSI also is from a local store who will deal with warranty for me if something goes wrong an optical drive (some of us do use them) I like the look and love the keyboard with programmable backlit.
Killer LAN and gold headphone jack (don't think either do anything) MSI has great viewing angles.
Also read the clevo has cpu throttle but a cool GPU

Really I think I will just buy one whenever one drops in price or has a good deal but was just looking for another opinion I cant go any higher as I am a soon to be collage student with no money :)
Really not sure what GPU's you're looking at that cost $800.

A GTX960 is around $320, which would smash a GTX960m (laptop chip) in terms of power.

All up you could do a very decent build for around $1100 which would be a lot more powerful than any of those laptops.

Unless of course you want a laptop, that's fine, but personally if you're doing any development or design work doing it from a laptop sucks.
The $800 would be for whole build because I would like yo be able to do some basic games and tasks on the laptop at least so would need a OK dedicated GPU which isn't cheap so I thought that would be about 600-800 leaving me with about 900-1000 IG I was yo build a deasktop which I am joy comfortable doing so it would be an additional 50 for them to do it for me do I just thought a $1600 laptop would be close to a 1000 desktop and easier. For gaming wise I only want low-medium maybe high for some games for a couple years (2-3) then will hopefully be able yo do large upgrades (buy new laptop) or desktop.

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