[SOLVED] 'Gaming' laptop crashes at every game

Oct 24, 2019
My Acer Aspire 7 (64x; Intel Core i7; Nvidia GTX 1050; 8,00 GB RAM), keeps crashing at every game I try to play. Games like Fallout 4 crash at start-up and older games like Fallout NV crash after 10 minutes or so. The laptop itself does not crash afterwards. I've tried countless fixes for the games separately (found on the internet):
Updating my drivers, closing all background programs (Anti-virus and such), adjust the graphic options (to lowest, windowed mode and such).
My GPU reaches a maximum of 60 degrees while it crashes, so heating does not seem the problem also...

Is there anyone who could help me out? Much appreciated, as I am super green in computers and such
Ok good. That sounds normal. However, you probably need to increase it. Set it to match you RAM amount (8200 MB if I read your post correctly) then run a game that will crash it and see if the file will write.
The CPU temperature does not exceed 50 degrees (but most games don't even launch properly). I indeed forgot to mention that I ran a malware scan and I am running the laptop on a battery (mostly plugged in), but the battery is not easily removed (as far as I can tell).
Thank you for even replying, I appreciate you taking time for me!
So the game crashes, but the computer doesn't. Correct? Are these games all on Steam? What Antivirus and firewall are you running? If you check Event Viewer (under Admnistrative Tools) and go to Windows Logs, System, are there any Red logs around the time the games crash?
I tried reinstalling steam and Norton, but the problem still persists. These are two most occurring errors down below:

Crashdumpinitialisation failed!

The Windows Error Reporting Service-service stopped with the following error: The paging file is too small for completing this operation.
In that case, I wonder if it's using the Intel card instead of the Nvidia card. A couple ways to tell:
  1. Framerate in the game you mentioned should be terrible if using the Intel card.
  2. Run a benchmark like the latest 3dmark and see if you score matches similar systems.
I'm able to play Fallout NV smoothly for half an hour now (FV4 and DOS2 for a shorter period). However, they still crash with the Out of Memory! error or none at all... FNV is doable like this, so I thank you for that!