Gaming pc doesn't boot into Windows properly


Aug 27, 2014
Hi Ive been having a problem with my Gaming pc I built. It doesn't boot into Windows and says "reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press key". The wierd thing is that when I boot into my bios then select "restart" in the bios it boots perfectly fine so there must be a boot device connected. Any ideas? Thanks.

Btw I have my windows on a 120gb ssd and everything else on a 1tb sea gate hdd

Long shot - but simple fix if it is the problem: I've been caught before with a USB drive in computers which are set (in the BIOS) to boot off USB first. Removing any USB drives, or in the BIOS putting your system drive at a higher boot priority than your *edit* [strike]SSD[/strike] USB fixes the issue...
on newer pc now in the bios is two bios chips. one for efi and on for legacy devices. most new mb under the boot tab have device boot settings for cd rom and hard drives. make sure the ssd or windows boot manager is first boot and bios set to efi boot first and have legacy boot on. check that secure boot is off.

Long shot - but simple fix if it is the problem: I've been caught before with a USB drive in computers which are set (in the BIOS) to boot off USB first. Removing any USB drives, or in the BIOS putting your system drive at a higher boot priority than your *edit* [strike]SSD[/strike] USB fixes the issue.

+1 for checking the boot order in the BIOS anyway. It sounds very likely your PC is trying to boot to something (USB, CD, HDD) rather than your SSD with the OS on it.

Thanks primary boot order was correct but there was another setting in the bios which had to have the correct boot order and for some reason it didn't.

Okay, glad you got it sorted. Sometimes the "boot order" lists just HDD/USB/CD/Network, but then you have to set the boot priority for your HDDs (including SSDs) in a separate section of the BIOS. Is that what was going on?