Gaming Rig Build - Thoughts?


Nov 30, 2012
Hey, I'm throwing together a ground up build for a gaming rig and I am hoping for some input. I don't usually OC anything and if I choose to it will be only moderate OCing.

Here are the parts:
Cooler Master Cosmos II - Ultra Tower Computer Case
Intel Core i5-3570K
EVGA GeForce GTX670 FTW 2048MB GDDR5 256bit
G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) 1600
Intel 330 Series Solid-State Drive 240 GB
Cooler Master Silent Pro Gold (SPG) 800 Watts
Netgear WiFi USB Adapter - AC Dual Band (A6200)
Windows 8 Professional System Builder DVD 64-Bit
I have read that Windows 8 generally doesn't have many issues except with older games and usually performs as well if not better than Windows 7. What games have known issues?

Hi :)

Search the 8 forum and the gaming forum here.....LOTS of games have problems with 8.... particularly new games like BLOPS 2, etc..

All the best Brett :)

I'd go with 100 more, just on the safe side.
Apart from that, what do you plan to do with the pc? if it's for gaming you're better off with 8gb. If you go with windows 7, you'll need x64 home premium to actually use all the RAM.
You can get a ASUS P8Z77 V- PRO motherboard, so you can avoid getting the netgear, because the mobo comes with something similar. Motherboard worked great for me. I got the Gigabyte's version of the 670, great cooling.
If you're OCing, you should go for an aftermarket CPU cooler or water cooling.
Also, that case is huge, I'd consider something smaller if you're only getting these parts.
turns out the 650 I was eyeing was out of stock so I'm going with an 850 anyway. I was also leaning towards 32GB of RAM so I could use some as a cache for the SSD. I looked at the Mobo that you linked and I see nothing about wifi let alone 802.11ac compatability, maybe I missed it. You sure it would avoid the need of the netgear? I plan to be able to upgrade the CPU cooling if I start OCing, but I'll start with the stock sink and fan.
I'd agree to avoid windows 8. There is no performance difference and to many capability issues.
As heizenbrg said, if your going to do a light OC, you may want to pick up a small aftermarket cooler for the CPU. Something along the lines of a Hyper 212 Evo should work. If not, the stock cooler should suffice.
You could probably drop down in PSU wattage. If you want to SLI in the future though you probably want to stay in the 750w+ range. If not you can drop to 650w range. Personally, I like Corsair, Seasonic or FSP PSU's (or one of Seasonic/FSP rebrands, which cover alot of PSU's).
Yeah I am thinking the 850W Corsair now. As far as Windows 8, I looked into the games that I play and I am reading that they are all compatible and in some cases perform better:

WoW, GW2, EQ, KSP(Kerbal Space Program), LoL, SC2
Yea bballt54, get windows 8, most of the people who do not like windows 8 probably have not tried it!

Windows 8, boots faster, also once you get used to the metro system, you will like it. (writing this currently on internet explorer metro app). Windows 8 also has an improved windows explorer.

Also it is also better to get the latest os, windows 8 can only get better due to bug fixes and service packs, while windows 7 will stay the same.

In the future who knows, some games may only be compatible with windows 8 so keep that in mind.