[citation][nom]Old_Fogie_Late_Bloomer[/nom]Dude, I've used Windows 8. I know what keys to press to get to the desktop. I know that hitting the Windows key and typing will find your program on the start screen just the same as hitting the Windows key and typing will find your program in the start menu. I know it's an article of faith amongst the Windows 8 shills/plants/blind fans that "If you don't want Windows 8 you've never used it or you haven't used it enough."When you start Windows, you're in Metro. It's right f--king there. Of course you can hit Windows-D. Of course you can pin desktop applications to the desktop task bar. But you're still going to be in Metro to do some things on your computer. And that's because Microsoft wants to suck you in, wants you to buy their damned apps, wants you to line their coffers.All the keyboard shortcuts in the world aren't going to change any of that. But either you're a plant or a shill, and you know that, and are being disingenuous, or you're a blind fan who can't see reality for what it is.Eventually, it won't matter if you can use the desktop, because all of your programs are going to be acquired through Microsoft's curated store, anyway. And Microsoft can say "It's not like we abandoned desktop developers, they all moved over to 'Metro'. And that's 'cause users wanted them to be 'Metro' apps. So really, it's tyranny of the majority, not us." Never mind that Microsoft tilted the board towards that inevitable conclusion from day one.[/citation]
Well you can call me a shill, but that doesn't change the fact you are an over-reacting drama queen, you started with "they force me" then concede to "well, of course I can"
If being "in your face" is the same as "forcing you" to use it then I assume that when you go to Google to search for something they are "forcing you" to download and use Chrome, because it's right there on the page "in your face"
If your tirade was containing actual events rather than your opinion, laced with dramatic conjecture, it would hold my interest, but as soon as you also resorted to childish name calling I just zoned out another troll