Gateway sx2800 graphics card

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Aug 15, 2009
I would like to get the geforce 9600 GT graphics card for the gateway sx2800 which has a power supply of 220. Will this work?

Note: The acer x1700 has a 220 watt psu and it runs the nvidia g100 card.

Nvidia says the g100 wont work on a 220 only on 300 minimum but it works fine for the acer.

If the 9600 wont work because of the psu what psu should I get to replace the 220? Now this I am clueless about. Any help would be great.

If you want to use a better graphics card then get a better PSU. That 220 is probably just enough for what's currently in there. Of course that's a little hard to do since that thing uses a funky form factor that doesn't provide great air flow towards the GPU. If you want to start upgrading that thing it would be best to buy a new case and PSU then go from there.

Thanks!!! I will check on the psu upgrade.

I read that you had installed many slimline graphics card upgrades.

Just wondering whats the best card I could put in the sx2800 without upgrading the psu. Also, if it had hdmi that would be great but it doesn't have to.

Does this card from newegg only come with that ridiculous 2-slot bracket pictured? That would not fit in the Sx2800 because the x16 slot is at the rightmost edge.
Don't buy the ATI HD 4550.

I bought it when i got this pc (SX2800) and it doesn't improve graphics drastically. It also gets very, very hot. Since it's small form factor(PC) you can't improve ventilation and this cards doesn't come with a fan for the GPU.
I spend weeks searching for a suitable Graphic Card for this one and didn't find any (Low Profile, with HDMI output and a fan).
It would only be possible to upgrade graphics with more capable GC and a bigger PSU but the case is that due to it's type(form factor)a PSU can't be found (if anyone find it let me know).
The only thing I that can be done without risk eas to adjust the memory size designated to graphics on the bios to get full advantage of it's Graphic Acelerator. This was to assign 128MB and put it on DVTM at maximun.

Hope this might help you.

it fits but get really hot. bottom line: its not an optn.
I actually bought the Sparkle 9800 GT card from Newegg, as well as the SeaSonic SS-300TFX 300W PSU to upgrade my little Gateway SX 2800. Bad mistake, but with a happy ending.

First off, the graphics card fits lengthwise, but since the slot is the furthest on the upper right hand corner, the fan on the card and its casing just won't fit. It's about half an inch off. There's enough space under the PCI slot, but the genius who designed the PC case fitted the motherboard so that the graphics card's bottom faces up and hits against the top of the case.

Secondly, the Seasonic PSU didn't fit. After removing the stock PSU, and trying to maneuver the new one in, I was basically covering the holes where the screws go on the case to hold the motherboard in place -- and the PSU still wouldn't fit in the tiny case. The original PSU was definitely designed specifically for the case.

I was pissed. The card cannot be returned unless it has something wrong with it. Newegg has this item listed as not eligible for refunds (I'm wondering about the quality right about now). So I was stuck.

I took everything out of the case, motherboard, PSU and all, and connected the graphics card and larger PSU just to try everything out. I fell in love. This little card is a beast. Runs Crysis at HIGH settings and 1680 x 1050 at about 30 fps. Runs everything else I've thrown at it on highest settings at or about 55 to 60 fps (Left 4 Dead, Call of Duty 4, Fallout).

I ended up replacing the internals of the old PSU with the internals of the new PSU, "gerrymandering" the circuitry and wires (not recommended). I also used a dremel and cut a hole the size of the card right so it would fit. The new PSU has a bunch of wires, more than the old, so just getting everything arranged was tricky. The fan of the new PSU had to fit outside the casing, but I made sure there was proper ventilation (again not recommended).

Once I made sure everything was fit and snug and working fine, I put it all together and was actually pretty impressed with the result. Instead of looking like some maniacal hack job, it looks like a mod I meant to do, really nice and slick. The graphics card doesn't jut out, it's flush with the plastic on top of the case. Everything fits nicely inside, and I can lug it around wherever I want very easily. I'm very happy.

Again, I do not recommend the PSU mod, since if you're not careful, you can expose the internal circuitry and open yourself up to a nasty shock.

To sum it all up, this PC is NOT graphics card friendly. Even if a card fits, you're still cutting all the ventilation with the case being so close. Unless you're willing to go the lengths I have, it took me about five hours to do everything (I measured five times and cut once, lol) you're better off with a larger case. Or at least a slimline that has been proven to be easily upgradeable. Just wanted to make sure all my other SX 2800 buddies knew what they were getting themselves into before they tried upgrading.
Hey Buldgedeyes,

I too am in quite the quandary. My SX2800 is a much better PC than my old P4, but at least I could play BF2 on it with little issues using a 1GB ATI. I am looking to graphically improve the performance of this slim paper weight Gateway calls a PC. IF you know of anything I could do to improve graphics, that would be awesome. I like your method of thinking (case modification), but just not that willing to sacrifice my unit to the PC Gods and end up screwing this thing up. Did you ever get a hold of Gateway to see what they thought on this matter??, good luck to us and the Detroit Lions!!! Oh, I got a Hyundai 24 inch monitor that works great, but again, my Cod 4 Modern Warfare is a joke...more lag than my colon. Appreciate your post.

I bought the SX2800-01 and upgraded the graphics card to the ATI HD 4350. It seems to be one of the only graphics cards that will fit well in the slimline case. Unfortunately, this story doesn't have a happy ending.
After playing older games (Star Wars Republic Commando and Battlefront II) for about an hour, the graphics card would heat up and the game would start to lag. Yesterday (after about 4 months), the graphics card finally gave up and fried. I've had to return to the onboard graphics until I can figure something else out. FYI for people trying to upgrade the GPU on this PC.
The gateway sx2800-01 is a very good computer for its price...with all the features that it offers its a great deal.

I wanted to upgrade my gateway with a better graphics card to enable it to play games with really good graphics.
I play more racing games than others. I was unable to play shift, grid and street fighter IV using the integrated graphics
that the system came with. A descent graphics card will not fit in the case! luckily it had a PCIe slot. Since the graphics card will not fit and a bigger PSU is needed to power a good enough card comfortably, the only option was to transfer the contents into a new case.

Additional components purchased:

1. A 800 watt omega power supply (in case of future upgrades)

2. A Cooler Master Elite 360 computer case

3. A HIS Radeon HD 5670 1GB graphics card (Physx compatible)

4. 1 120mm and 1 80mm LED cooler master fans

TOTAL = $ 2000.00 TT (approx) parts will cost less in the U.S. (no shipping etc.)

The micro ATX mother board, power supply, HDD and DVD burner + fitted perfectly without modifications.
*Multi card reader required minor case modifications together with the Graphics card. Back plate is also required, can be acquired from original case.

Everything is running smoothly so far.

1. Vista Home Premium Service pack 2

2. All index scores are equal, 5.9.

Hope this has been very helpful to those who wish to upgrade.
Just thought i wold share this in case someone finds this thread via search later on.

I have this PC and upgraded it to the Saphire 5770 from Newegg after reading a Newegg review of someone else with the same system. The PC is now running like a champ.

FYI - I use this as a primary HTPC and now can finally use DTS-HD & True-HD after combining the 5770 w/PowerDVD + BlueRay drive. It sucks I had to spend as much as a stand alone BlueRay player to get this but its speed, functionality and load times are awesome.

IN general I have no heating or stability issues whatsoever (but Im not a gamer). I should also mention that the the 5770 GPU now converts rips & OTA recordings into other formats (my Iphone) in 1/3 of the time.

Windows 7 reports graphics and gaming graphics at 6.8

Hey have the same desktop and am looking to upgrade to this video card, did it have any probs like heating or power etc. Please confirm

I have a Gateway, SX2840 and I wanted to run starcraft 2 so I knew a new graphics card was in order. I put in a ATI Radeon HD5570 pci-E, and it has totally upgraded the machine. Some people said I wouldnt be able to run starcraft 2 but it seems fine, I finished the campaign and play multiplayer all the time.

I think the video card is rated for a 400w psu? I haven't had any shutdowns or anything. It was getting really hot when doing the campaign mode, which I have to think is due to all the 'extras' like movies and animations and things, but it still ran it fine.

Otherwise I have never noticed it getting hot, and it looks really nice.

The other expansion slot I put in a wireless card, the graphics card snapped into place in the upper slot, using the low profile bracket, so the fan is right up against the casing, but it all fits inside. I think it was a great investment and I can't remember how much it improved the windows experience score, but it was significant, like 2 points or so I think.
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