Gears of War 4 on Radeon 6770HD 1GB


May 19, 2017
Hey guys, does anyone of you have some experience testing Gears of War 4 under a low-end PC.

My seetings are:

CPU: Intel Pentium G3258 (Dual core) @3.2GHz
VCARD: Radeon HD 6770 1GB

I would like to run it even at the miminum settings.
Any feedback is very welcome.
GoW 4 on 6770? That game is DX12 only. Since AMD did not support DX12 on 5k and 6k series i doubt if the game will run on the card at all? i see no people mention this.

Thanks for your reply, so do you think I will be able to run it at least?


That depends on your definition of "run" is. Will it boot it, sure, I would think so. Will you be able to get 30fps at 1080p on low settings, probably not. You may have better performance at 720p though.
it should be able to run but you will have to make some setting tweaks in you amd control panel... under the tessellation settings set it to x2-x4 max not application controlled. and in game you will need to turn the textures down to at least medium and low for godrays.

Yes if I can run it at least with 30fps at 720p is more than enough for me.

I think your card could probably make it playable at 720p but the CPU is the one I'd suspect will make the game framerate less than smooth. In other words, I'd expect 30fps level performance with drops into the low 20s(maybe even lower).

One other potential issue is the videocard driver. That videocard is no longer supported by new drivers and hasn't been in a long time. Gears is a newer game, so any driver related issues might mean you're out of luck even if the card itself has enough performance.
i see you picked BA for mine. thanks.. but let us know how you got on plz.
as i get the impression a lot of people under estimate the performance of older cards due to watching to many episodes of linus tech tips where you get the impression only the latest and greatest are approved and if you 1 gen behind your obsolete and cant play any games at all ever.

case in point i played deus ex human revolution at default settings @1080p on an 8800gt and got an acceptable 30-45 fps (for the card) yet in the specs it was supposedly way below minimum requirements when the game launched. but have since been updated with the 88gt being recommended as the minimum now.
mate the 750ti is a dx11 card and ive seen benches for gears 4 running on that (admittedly not well) so i don't see why it wouldn't work on an amd dx11 card
as long as you disable the dx12 exclusive features it should in theory still run...
but your rite i completely discounted the fact is a dx12 marketing exclusive game.
That's because nvidia 750ti support DX12. That's not the case with AMD 5k and 6k series. Technically all DX11 card should capable of using DX12 but early generation DX11 GPU lack certain things needed by DX12. Nvidia did try to support DX12 on Fermi based GPU but so far it seems hard for them to release proper driver support for it. For AMD part they simply exclude 5k and 6k series altogether from DX12.
that's the original spec for 750ti. DX12 is not like previous version of DX. in a way DX12 is DX11 with low level access and some new feature that only accessible with DX12. but even if the hardware actually capable of running DX12 hardware wise GPU maker still need to add support for it in drivers.

honestly i think MS let the requirement for supporting DX12 is much less strict than it was compared to previous version of DX to hasten DX12 adoption in games. but while the CPU portion is easy to do the GPU portion is not.
Hey guys, thanks a lot for your explanations. At the end the game did not run on that PC. I guess the problem could be the videocard due to the DX12/DX11 issue, because the game does not even start.

in that case i removed the ba. you can now give it to the guy who gave the correct answer...