Words about NVIDIA and its 8800GT
With great pains I write this e-mail, and yet, thank you for your past excellence. These days research has become frustrating for me as I try to put together a system based on SLI and am unable to find a suitable motherboard. If NVIDIA wants to make SLI unprofitable for leading edge manufacturers like ASUS and Intel, shouldn't then the corporation be ahead of new technology. It becomes a lesson in audacious arrogance projected toward NVIDIA while trying to find a motherboard suited for its very own 8800 GT. Unfortunately, AMD/ATI does not have enough wanted advancements, yet, for me to buy from them, so I must wait for NVIDIA to figure out how to make a motherboard for its own card. For me, this attitude that NVIDIA is responsible for has created resentment toward NVIDIA, itself, and I should not be the only consumer that feels this way.
Dear NVIDIA, please become more customer friendly or else lose profits. The only thing that the market had to provide me with to move away from NVIDIA was an AMD-Spider or similar platform with DDR3 and four lanes running PCIe 2.0, with a few PCI. And though I would not have been totally satisfied with my purchase, I would have comforted my discontentment with NVIDIA for tying up SLI, which now I currently am even more frustrated over because of having to wait, unnecessarily. Do not believe that within the human psyche these stimuli go unnoticed when making future purchases. AMD need only prove itself to be close to NVIDIA's performance in order to gather the loyalty of a cheated community of thoughtful enthusiasts.
Maybe there is a CEO that does not care about these matters because he or she has amassed a personal fortune. However and regretfully so, another company has allowed for the wrong move to be made, and people do not forget. I hope that in the future there will be no more hyper-capitalism from NVIDIA.