So, I recently picked up a cheap generic controller, the problem I am facing is that the analog sticks dont work in games. In windows, where you can check if your devices are working it shows that the analog sticks work perfectly fine, but when I try to play a game I cant get them to work.
Things I've done:
I don't really know what more I could do. I've never used a controller on pc so I might be dumb. I did google this to find solutions but none of them worked.
If you have an idea of what could fix this I would really apreciate it!
Thank you!
Things I've done:
■ Turned on the analog button so the light turns on ( That's what makes it work in windows )
■ Installed the drivers that came with the controller ( It says on the box and the disc that it works with win 10)
■ I am using x360ce ( Needed to get other buttons to function properly in games )
■ Plugging the controller into different usb ports.
I don't really know what more I could do. I've never used a controller on pc so I might be dumb. I did google this to find solutions but none of them worked.
If you have an idea of what could fix this I would really apreciate it!
Thank you!