Question Getting Resolution and HZ sorted on a Samsung Q60 TV


Aug 30, 2017
I bought a 4k TV with 120hz native refresh rate and freesync. It only runs at 120hz while in 1080p and 1440p with HDR off.

First off - How do I match up resolutions? I was under the impression I could run games at 1080p to get a higher fps rate. Where do I change the resolution? In both windows and the game? Or just in one? I want to get the higher fps so I will have to change it in windows at least so my TV will show 120hz to begin with.
Also how do I scale the games? If I put them in 1080p they just get bigger and don't fit in the screen properly.

Secondly - Even when I have the games in a low resolution and my tv confirms in its menu it is in 120hz Vsync in game will always lock to 60fps. If 120hz is the what the tv is set to natively then shouldn't vsync do the same? That is what it does on my gaming monitor at least. Vsync should match the refresh of the monitor best it can so I why does it stay at 60??
Q60 owner also!

Since it's a 4k TV (4:1 scaling) and built to upscale 1080p, you're probably better off doing 1080p as input.

To do FreeSync, you'll need an AMD GPU since it's over HDMI.

VSync off

Oh of course 4:1! I kept putting it as 16:9...this is the first 4k panel I have owned..

But yes, I have an Nvidia card so I cannot use freesync, but the in game vsync should attempt to match the native refresh rate of 120hz right? Vsync just holds at the max refresh while freesync matches varying frame rates.
AFAIK, VSync is always a 60FPS lock. I could be wrong.

16:9 is the aspect ratio.

4k = 4 x the pixel density of 1080p. Which means a single pixel of a 1080p feed can be perfectly displayed using 4 pixels on a 4k screen.
It should work for 120 hz, I think it detects if you cant push those frames though and sets it appropriately.

What about resolution though? Should I be changing it in windows or just in game?