Getting screen tearing in borderless windowed mode


Jun 20, 2017

I'm having a very weird problem and I can't seem to understand what's going on. I want to use borderless windowed mode for gaming because it eliminates screen tearing (I have a 60Hz display) and I get much less input lag than using normal vsync.

However, when I try to use it, in multiple different games, I still get screen tearing and it seems to be acting like full screen mode. I say it's acting like full screen mode because when I switch to just window mode the screen tearing is gone so I don't understand why it doesn't work the same with borderless window.

I also have a TV connected to my PC but I mostly keep that screen turned off. Sometimes if I turn my second screen on and off before launching a game it seems to somehow fix the problem but it doesn't work all the time. Sometimes it doesn't help at all.
Anyone know what might be causing this ?