Gift ideas.

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Well, I'll be sending randomizer E-Link gifts to some of the cutest members of the forum this year. If I have enough to go around, I'll send one out to any of you ugly forum members too. I do have an alternative gift idea for the extremely repulsive possessed-looking members so look for if you are downright ugly. This is the same Shadow E-link gift I sent out last Xmas on the forum. And Shadow has made a lot of really desperate women happy.


Wheres her chair?!!??!? :eek:
And, is that a trampolene holding her up?
How did she get to the point of needing a trampoline to hold her when sitting down? Well I have an update. The procedure must have taken about three dozen tubes of buttocks-enhancement gel from Home Depot and then installed by this woman who incidentally has appeared on the View.


A 28-year-old New Brunswick model who claims to have appeared on “The View” television show has been indicted on charges she practiced medicine without a license, stemming from an incident in March when six women from Essex County ended up in hospitals after receiving buttocks-enhancement injections containing the same material contractors use to caulk bathtubs, authorities said.


Is this a new one or wasn't this mentioned some months back? Anyways, it's a wonder what some people are thinking when they go for that kind of stuff. I wonder what she said to these women as she was loading up the fat needed from a caulk tube cloaked in a Home Depot Bag? "Don't worry, it's a secret recipe."
Oh this is a new one and the technology has advanced in leaps and bounds. Not the end result, but the woman delivering thebuttocks-enhancement home depot caulk is a looker. I use the tech term 'looker' loosely, but that way I keep the concept of actually having the procedure done in context.

"Wanna look like me?" asks Anivia Cruz-Dilworth.

"Yeah, I always wanted high cheek bones." answers a woman who looks like the Missing Link.

"Bend over."
Well, you are already ruler of the Universe. The trillions of stars you have to give away are considerd stocking stuffers the way I look at it. Charleton Heston is near the top of my list of items available where giving in the spirit of the season is the discussion.

I've been busy installing now today my third remote viewing surveillance system since last week. Having Uber cool surveillance at every location I own has become an obsession with me. It is the eleventh commandment in my life's calling.

Edit for Writer's embellishment.

Thats SOOO 1984
I am watching currently ten cameras on two properties from a single location. I'll have twelve cameras total next week. I use three computers at two locations to run the cameras and record. We have had security problems for some time and recently my son's car was burglarized at our home. The neighbor's home was broken in to n August. In the past, the pesky street roaches have been under the building cutting out all the copper pipe to sell for scrap. Also, on the sides of the building tearing down the plastic downspout gutters to sell for scrap and on top of the building tearing down the various lights and cameras. We have filed over forty police reports in the past six and a half years. I can read graffitti language fluently and list it as such on my Curriculum Vitae.

I can set at my house and watch everything as it happens now on a single 22 in. monitor. The price is reasonable for the PCI DVR adapters if you look around. Had to buy two new hard drives a 1 TB and a 1.5 TB. I had a 750 gig for the third system. We also spent some money for a new security door and some bars for the doors and our home!

This being the capital of Mexico leaves us to cope with the street gangs which are too numerous to deal with rationally here in the northern edge of the capital. Los Angeles. With an army of three hundred police officers on payroll at city hall, there is not sufficient manpower to deal with the hundreds of thousands of street gang members in the city. But then again, there is not a decent apartment dwelling here either. I got a free stolen BMX mountain bike someone left 'hidden' on my property the other night. That's normal and has happened several times.

I'm going to set up a computer and mount the speakers in the back window of the parking lot behind bars. Then take remote control of the system and call the Skype installation and answer by remote. When someone shows up at 3am I'm going to have a remote conversation with them as I watch on from my home. I have a lot to say to them before police arrive. I can't repeat it, but I have much to say.
I have maintained eight surveillance cameras for the past six years, but with VHS recording capability and no remote access.. It was fun setting up three computers with PCI DVR capability and getting the remote viewing up and running over the holiday. I did well with it. Works very effectively. I have to wnder how much a security company would charge to set up three computers with remote viewing capability?

I used a couple of old AMD socket 754's and one AMD 939 for the three DVR, camera server systems. Made adjustments to the video cards and RAM and made them work.
guns, wild women, top-less bars, cops in cars, motel money, murder madness, change the mood from glad to sadness, took a look around see which way the wind blows, Mr. Mojo risin', gotta keep on risin.
Why don't you up and sell and move over here?

We are still taking Doctors and Radiologists ...

Get out of that hellhole Badge ...

I can teach you oztralien ... a couple of years and you will fit right in ... the scars won't even show by then either.
Australian social note.

Note: Sure I have no preconceptions of you Oztraliens. My couslin lived in Oztraeila for five years. He let me feel his kangaroo scrotum change purse. When we were kids I whipped his oz every time I visited.
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