Gigabyte 6850 1gb vs xfx 6870


Aug 29, 2011
Hi guys,
i'm kinda new to the gaming forum scene so ur help and cooperation is much appreciated.
My current specs are:
2 sata samsung HDD (1 320gb and 1 1.5tb)
1 core 2 quad q6600 processor
an Intel DG41RQ motherboard.
1 dvd reader writer
a 22 inch Samsung monitor with dvi input
2 DDR2 sd rams

I live in Bangladesh, so the cards that are currently available with my local authorized dealers are the XFX HD 6870 and the Gigabyte HD 6950 1 GB edition.
i am pretty confused about which graphics card to get as the 6950 kinda hits the upper limit of my budget, so recommendations are required. Although the Gigabyte is probably a better card, it does not provide the 3d feature that the xfx cards provide. Plus, since i am probably not going to change my specs (except for the psu that i will be mentioning) in the next 2 years, and am never gong to overclock, SLI or do the Eyefinity thing, will i be needing it, or will the hd6870 be sufficient.

I play almost all types of games that come out,most preferably in their max settings. I used to own a Sapphire HD 4850 toxic before it burnt out along with my old psu.

the 3d gaming thing is kind of making it difficult for me to choose. Also i plan to buy a Thermaltake litepower 700w, so will that suffice, or do i need something better, or more powerful or both? Also, how is the gigabyte warranty?


Aug 26, 2011
why dont you just look the cards up? check for reviews but i a m pretty sure that 6950 is gonna do 3d and all the same stuff the 6870 can do XFX does have a double lifetime warranty but there fans seem cheap and cards run hot so all up to you.


Jul 24, 2011
when's the 50th . the 6950 might bottlleneck the CPU. it also depends on your resolution if it's not 1900x1200 don't get the 6950. the 6870 can Max out almost all games but without to many extra stuff like 16x aa.