Gigabyte DS3 Vista RAID Issue


Feb 5, 2007
Hi guys, I just had this problem which I fixed and thought I'd share with you to save you from spending hours and hours figuring out what the hell is wrong:

If you find Vista is idling / hanging when you select the latest raid driver from Gigabyte during installation, it is because you have txtsetup.oem in there with the drivers, which causes it to hang and/or malfunction. Simply remove it from the directory and retry and it will work!

The same solution might also work in different circumstances with Vista RAID installations. Gigabyte seemed to have forgotten to take that particular file out of the archive as it is only now necessary for Windows XP and below.

Let me know if this helps any of you 😉
Which RAID solution (number) were you using and do you know if your problem and fix is specific to this solution or more general?

I am thinking about using the board with RAID 1.
Theoretically, it should work with any stripe. I used RAID-0 with 2 WD Raptor 74GB's.

Make sure:

- You downloaded the correct raid drivers.
- You took the txtsetup.oem file out of the driver directory.
- You have RAID/IDE enabled in the BIOS, in (I believe) Integrated Peripherals.
- Make sure you entered the Raid BIOS to set up your Raid before you attempt to install Vista.

Any other questions, just ask :)

Mine was very successful with a RAID-0 installing Windows Vista with the latest drivers from Gigabyte (having removed the txtsetup.oem file).
Did you have to install the gigabyte raid drivers onto a floppy for use during the Vista install as per the manual? If so, can a usb stick be used instead?