Gigabyte Q flash is not recognizing my USB drive

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Dec 28, 2017
I have a F8 bios on my Gigabyte GA-P31-DS3L motherboard,and i need to update it to the F10a bios since my cpu runs at a multiplier of 6 instead of 8.

I formatted my 8gb flash drive to FAT32,then i put the bios file on it

After i rebooted and entered Q flash,the Floppy Drive A and Floppy Drive B were only recognized (i don't have any floppy drives hooked up to my motherboard)

I tried all usb ports,and i tried enabling and even disabling legacy usb support in the bios (i cant remember the exact name of the option),but It still doesn't work.
Does anyone know a solution?

EDIT:Here are my pc specs if it helps:
CPU:Intel Core 2 Quad Q9400 2.66 ghz quad core (running at 2ghz because of the multiplier)
CPU Cooler:Spire Kepler Rev 2
Motherboard Gigabyte GA-P31-DS3L Rev 1.1
GPU:Asus 8800GTX 768mb GDDR3
Power Supply:LC POWER 6550 550W
Hitachi 320GB 7200RPM SATA II HDD

try finding an old 2g usb 2.0 stick. the newer 3x bios may not work if not you have to make a bootable usb stick and use ami/award dos flash program to update your bios that way.
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