I'm looking at purchasing one of the new RTX 2080 cards and I can't find any reviews of the Windforce 2080 model. I'm looking at the Gigabyte cards because they are cheaper and presently in-stock (I'm not opposed to waiting and getting a different model if the others are substantially better and worth the increased cost). So far, the differences I've been able to gather are 80 mm fans in the Windforce vs 82 mm fans in the Gaming OC, slightly different dimensions (Gaming OC is thicker), different clocks (+30 mHz for the Gaming OC), and +1 year warranty on the Gaming OC. The Windforce OC is $790 whereas the Gaming OC is $830. I'm not an expert and I'm not sure how much these differences really add up to be. Which card do you guys think is better for the price? I'm using an AW3418dw (3440x1440, 120 Hz) and just built a new i7-8700k PC sans-GPU.