[SOLVED] Gigabyte RX 6800 XT Gaming OC, Black Screen & motherboard's Red VGA LED is On ?

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Feb 19, 2021
2 weeks ago i am planning to upgrade my gpu to RX 6800 XT from my RTX 2060. Some people say that my 650w +80 Gold Bitfenix Whisper can run it easily. Its good PSU and Tier A on a PSU Tier List. Ok, so i buy it.

When my new gpu arrive. Uninstall previous Nvidia Experience and AMD Chipset driver and then going to safe mode and uninstall rest of the leftover with DDU, and then reinstall Chipset driver and Graphic driver after reboot.

First, absolutely trying some games. Its F1 22 and without vsync to push gpu consumption to test. And after 20-40 minutes of playing, my pc suddenly shutdown. I had to hard shutdown to power it on again. This time i am trying to run furmark and then.....my pc immediately shutdown almost instanly when i opened furmark. Ok, maybe my 2 years old 650w power supply cant handle it and decide to buy new PSU. My new PSU is Bitfenix Whisper (again) 750W +80 Gold (minimum recommended power for this card from Gigabyte itself).

When my new power supply arrive, i read some reddit, tomshardware, linustechtips and read some advice and trying to update bios mobo. OK, so i updated my mobo bios to the latest version and remove cmos battery to test mobo default setting first (XMP Off), "because amd gpu are to sensitive on OC things" they say.

Benchmark test: Furmark quick test and 1 hour Heaven benchmark run flawlesly without any crash, restart, shutdown problem. GPU Temp reach max 72 degree celcius.
Gaming test: F1 22, RDR 2, Cyberpunk 2077 without vsync ----> restart with black screen and red vga indicator on mobo after playing 20-40 minutes.
The black screen restart still there even with the latest mobo bios and XMP off.

Fix that i do:
- update mobo bios to the latest and remove cmos battery = done, no avail.
- reinstall latest chipset and graphic driver = no avail.
- trying another version of graphic driver = no avail.
- standard setting on adrenaline and everything is off
- xmp off or on = no avail.
- underclock = no avail.
- undervolt = no avail.
- underclock and undervolt = no avail.
- edit group policy to prevent windows force updating the graphic driver = no avail.
- disable mpo and ulps = no avail.
- disable dcom and edit via registry = no avail.
- reseating my ram and gpu (gpu pcie has separate cable. 1 cable for each connector. no piggyback or have an extension) = no avail.

fix that I haven't done yet:
- reinstalling windows
- update gpu vbios (no bios menu on gigabyte rx 6800 xt gaming oc website, just firmware)
- rma the card

My pc specs:

- Windows 10 Pro 22H2 (2.44.3 amd driver version, chipset rev number)
- MSI B450 Tomahawk Max (7C02v3G bios version)
- Bitfenix Whisper 750W +80 Gold
- Ryzen 5 3600
- Kingston HyperX Fury 3200Mhz
- Gigabyte RX 6800 XT 16GB Gaming OC ( vbios version)
- HP 24f Monitor 1080p 75Hz (planning to upgrade next month with 2k 144Hz monitor, stills saving some money)

My earlier RTX 2060 run flawlessly good on my latest build but when i upgrade to RX 6800 XT everyday is a nightmare. I can't event play my games in piece. Every holiday i got is wasting time to figuring out what happen. Trying to solve this and that etc, etc. I am really sick of it.

Any solution guys? Is this problem commonly happen or completely normal on amd gpu build or i am just being unlucky.

Is RMA worth a try or i have to sell this card and get NVIDIA instead? Honesty i am happy with RX 6800 XT raw performance but with problem like this is a big no for me. I rather have an RTX 3070 or 3070 Ti with no problem like this, although performance is weaker than RX 6800 XT.
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Bitfenix Whisper 750W +80 Gold
How old is the PSU in your build?

Uninstall previous Nvidia Experience and AMD Chipset driver
You don't need to uninstall your chipset drivers, you merely need to remove any and/or all discrete GPU's drivers from your platform.

my pc immediately shutdown almost instanly when i opened furmark.
That is an indication of the PSU being incapable of handling the load it's demanded of from the unit or you're having thermal issues(overheating).
All part is 2 years old except PSU 750W and RX 6800 XT. New, not used.

Remove nvidia experience sofware and chipset first and run to safe mode and then uninstall all nvidia related driver using ddu.

Shut off when i use Bitfenix 650W as i described in paragraph 1. Paragraph 3, i upgrade my psu to 750W.

When i upgraded to 750W the problem is not shut off, but restart and vga led indicator on mobo light on. Everything is on except monitors. Before restart, i always heard buzzing sound first like if you play games or running application and freeze then bsod. Completely like that.

Before i upgrade to RX 6800 XT, using RTX 2060, my pc is completely normal. Never ever have a black sreen restart problem.
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