Question Gigabyte the new Asus?


Oct 9, 2008
I was a big fan of Gigabyte, until I received a motherboard with bent CPU pins out of the box. I was beyond the return window to the retailer, so spent $27 to ship it to Gigabyte for warranty service. Apparently they source out warranty claims to Asus, because they refuse to fix it without me sending them another $100. If I had wanted to spend $287 on a motherboard, I would have bought a $287 motherboard to begin with. After purchasing several Gigabyte products over the last 20 years, I am done with them forever.
Out of curiosity, how bad was the extent of the bent pins? People across YouTube have shown you can use a thin card and a needle to help straighten the pins provided you have a pair of steady fingers/hands.

Case in point, please be wary of the bent pins on a brand new board out of box, and when the return period of the board is so you're not left with down time or a half empty wallet(might be a joke but it's possible for some in this current global economy).
Pretty bad, nearly half the LGA 1700 bind are bent. bad on me for not checking right away; life happened and I could not start the build until a couple of months after i had ordered. I was shocked the the warranty didn't cover it; as the box still had factory seals on it. They are returningthe board to me, and i will try to get a refund from the retailer, but I'm not expecting any luck.
I am getting a replacement from another brand, and will record the unboxing as soon as i get it even if i can't do the build for a period of time.
Every time I buy a new PC component I'll record the complete process of getting the item out of the sealed wrapper, so there's no way for retailers/producers to escape from their responsibility.
This isn't anything new for Gigabyte unfortunately.

I've read horror stories about their warranty support (or lack thereof) across multiple forums for many years.
Denying claims, sending back faulty replacements, flat out not responding, you name it.

The outsourced RMA to ASUS though, that's a new one (at least for me).
Don't blame you for avoiding them, I have for a while and will continue to until they change for the better.