Hah radiowars, my experience is you will ALWAYS have 'buyer's remorse' when purchasing computer related stuff, don't let it get you down.

You have to make a decision and go with something, sometime, or you'll end up with nothing forever.
If the i5 is cheap enough, I might do a rig based on it for my 3rd comp. Not likely though, probably build another i7 rig or Phenom II.
Regardless, it won't be a Gigabyte product. I had their GA-MA790FXT-UD5P mainboard reset the BIOS after a mild overclock attempt, and it not only reset the RAID setting in the BIOS but corrupted the RAID ROM so I had to re-define the RAID array, and of course lost my install in the process. That's cool, anyone can have a faulty product and it's a new thing, but their service response was 'don't overclock, if it fails again we'll have you send it in for testing'. What?? I paid a premium price for this thing so I could OC the 955, and I'm not talking setting any earth-shattering records either, I'd be thrilled with 3.8GHz. So, I'm sure it's a good board if you don't use a RAID setup and maybe mine is a fluke, but there are too many good competitors for me to take a chance on Gigabyte again, considering their service response.