Question Glitching search bars won't let me type


Oct 19, 2014
I've been experiencing an issue with Windows 10 where, when I pull up the start menu, it'll start blinking as if I'm pressing something, like a command key, and it won't let me type as it will continue interrupting with nonstop refreshes. This happens in the Windows Explorer search bar as well, so I can't search for files outside the start menu. When the search boxes refresh like this, they bring up a dialogue option as if I right clicked, and says "paste" and "undo"

This issue persisted through multiple restarts and an sfc scan, and my I've checked that my keyboard isn't pressing anything on its own, no keys are being pressed constantly, it's Windows that thinks I am for some reason.
Try a clean boot and see if it changes anything - make sure to read instructions and make sure NOT to disable any microsoft services or windows won't load right -

it just stops non microsoft programs lauching with windows, easily reversed. Doesn't delete anything.

if clean boot fixes it, it shows its likely a startup program. You should, over a number of startups. restart the programs you stopped to isolate the one that is to blame.