Our PM Mr Tony Abbot claims there is no such thing as global warming ... which is a total embarrassment for our country.
Just to be sure he has completely defunded the department responsible for tracking it.
Then he moved on to defund the Drug and Alcohol Authority ... so in 12 months he can claim these issues are resolved ... because there is no reporting mechanism now in our country ... after 50 years ... all that data went down the drain.
In order to resolve the issue of illegal immigrants he put the military in charge and provides no reporting to the media ... and has almost started a war with Indonesia.
He then cut all subsidies to the auto industry and Ford, Holden (GM) and toyota are now closing ... he also cut the throats of our own fruit industry but gave Cadbury 25 Million ... go figure.
Job losses here will escalate beyond 100,000 people in less that 12 months and I imagine the Liberal Party (read Republicans) won't likely get back into power for another 20 years.
In the meantime he will sell Quantas (our 50% state owned Airline) and sail off into the sunset with his pal from Virgin airline.
He is screwing the country so the fat cats can get fatter ... and leaving us in a total mess.
He is also cutting the solar subsidies and the carbon tax since global warning is a myth.
Then his moronic foreign minister starts criticising China ...
I can't believe people in this country voted for such a complete idiot.
He has been in power less than 6 months ...
The secrecy, lies and deception is incredible here.
Nothing gets through to the media because Rupert Murdoch owns all of the TV stations and papers ... so you won't see or hear anything.
Murdoch also bankrolled his campaign.
The ABC (our govt Broadcaster0 has even been warned in writing not to criticise the Australian government.
Sadly we don't have secret police ... so I can't complain yet about being beaten and whipped.
Thats probably on his agenda for next week.
Global Warning FTW !!!