stillblue :
How were humans adapting 52 million years ago?
As it got colder, they started wearing animal skins and traded in their camels for woolly mammoths.[/sarcasm]
Another article for your consideration;
Two New Studies Show That The West Antarctic Ice Sheet Melt Is 'Unstoppable' And Collapse Is Inevitable. Some would read that headline and begin freaking out over the notion that the ice shelf is going to collapse and start carrying on about rising sea levels; especially after passages like this...
The fast-moving Thwaites Glacier will likely disappear, researchers say, raising sea level by nearly 2 feet. That glacier also acts as a linchpin on the rest of the ice sheet, which contains enough ice to cause another 10 to 13 feet (3 to 4 meters) of global sea level rise.
Holy crap! Anyone living in the flood plains, low-lands, or along any of the coasts better start planning their exit strategy, post-haste! However, if you read further, there is also this...
While collapse seems inevitable, we have at least 200 years before it happens.
Huh?! What's that?! At least 200 years before it happens?! So, the ice sheet will melt and take about 200 years, plus or minus a few decades, to raise the sea level 10-13 feet worldwide.
One thing I often note goes unspoken when talking about climate change is the time scale in which the changes are being made. 200 years to a human seems so immediate given our (relatively) short life spans but 200 years is less than a blip on a geological timeline.
If I did the math correct, assuming the sea level will rise 13 feet and take 200 years, that equates to .78 inches a year between now and many years after me and my great-great-great-grandchildren will be long dead.
If human beings are still inhabiting this planet in another 200 or so years and aren't wiped out by a super-asteroid, the Yellowstone Caldera, tectonic shifts, a changing orbit, a pole shift, or just flat out annihilating each other; my guess would be that humans will manage to adapt to climate changes just fine. After all, humans managed to live through the last ice age.