johnsonma :
Its funny how the political motivations for not believing in climate change show up eventually.
Global warming is a highly political topic, including amongst the believers. The global warming believers want to use the government to force their beliefs upon other people and also to obtain a large amount of funding from that same government to further their careers and status. Tell me how that is not political.
You would both rather see the world burn than believe in something a democrat believes in. That's the simple truth.
We have a legitimate disagreement with their beliefs, since those beliefs are based on an unproven hypothesis with a fairly poor track record. Their "atonements for our sins" contained in their beliefs contain a much more understood and quantifiable negative impact on our standard of living and freedoms.
Its easy to see once you look at the rest of the developed nations. For the most part they understand that man made climate change is a reality. Why is that?
They are socialist countries where the government has more control over the media than in the United States. Remember most of Europe doesn't have any right to free speech such as the U.S. does. The government can easily censor things that go against its self-interest.
Because they don't have a political force using its influence to spread propaganda and lies about it.
Actually they do, it's called the government. The E.U. government is advancing the role and scope of itself over the private citizen in the process. This is not without many centuries of prior art in Europe where they are used to being dominated by kings and dictators. (There is also significant pushback as the recent E.U. elections have shown. Yes, I pay attention to global news. Quite a few Americans do despite the Eurotrash stereotypes to the contrary.) The U.S. is an anomaly as the U.S. was founded by people trying to escape that and as a result up until fairly recently being much more free than Old Europe.
gropouce :
Maybe it's because of anti-guns, or something.
Guns weren't even brought up until you posted that off-topic post. Hey, why not bring racism, "the war on women," and homophobia into the mix too? I bet you can find some crackpot statist academic that will blame global warming on the Koch brothers, a lack of the taxpayers paying for birth control, and bible thumpers not wanting homosexuals to be married. Let's take their comments as fact because an expert said it, because you know so-called expert opinion is the absolute highest quality evidence out there!
Jeez, i never though i could read so much bullshits in ONE thread...
FYI, there is no plural to "bullshit." It is a word like "deer" or "sheep" with an identical singular and plural form.
And yes, I am amazed at how much blind dogmatic belief in something exists just because a few people who have the trappings of authority said it. You are in great company- the Church had a consensus that the Sun revolved around a flat Earth in the Middle Ages. You are simply a new version of the Middle Ages Church in unquestioningly dogmatically believing that what's essentially an opinion is absolute incontrovertible fact and people who have doubts are heretics to be burned at the stake. I stand with the skeptics who demand a much higher burden of proof to actually demonstrate there is merit to the theory rather than believe it entirely at the mere mention of the hypothesis. The skeptics don't exactly have a bad track record in these kinds of things, you know, unless you are actually still worried about falling off of the edge of the world.