johnsonma :
You seem to be repeating talking points without presenting any evidence. The temperature records are about as solid as it gets, you saying otherwise only proves you have not researched it. Just check out some of the fact checking that has been done on the temp records.
You seem to be repeating talking points without presenting any evidence. The temperature records are about as solid as it gets, you saying otherwise only proves you have not researched it. Just check out some of the fact checking that has been done on the temp records.
First, "the temperature record" is as spotty as hell prior to the mid-19th century, to assert otherwise is to indulge in fantasy. I am not disputing temperature records over the last 150 years, which is what the page to which you referred me covers (did you even bother to read it?). In fact that is the problem. We only have 150 years of temperature records, everything else is based on proxies.
You obviously completely ignored or didn't understand my discussion of precision. Are you familiar with the term "precision," as used in science? Are you familiar with the concept of "significant figures?" If your measurements are accurate to 1°C you cannot report a figure accurate to the tenth, i.e. 1.3°C, if your measurements are only accurate to 2-3°C, then you cannot report numbers accurate to the single units, i.e. 1°C.
When you are using proxies for temperature data, you are dealing with a qualitative measurement, not a quantitative measurement. It's an approximation, not a direct measurement and, as was very problematical for Michael Mann in his effort to prove his "hockey stick" graph, because, as I have stated before, the last 50 years of tree-ring data did not track with what actually occurred. That throws the entire data set and all assumptions based on it into question.
Finally, as for the reliability of the reported temperature data coming out of NOAA/NASA. There is strong evidence that temperatures are being carefully manipulated to convey an impression that the raw data do not support. Dr. David Hansen of NASA has been caught playing fast and loose with the numbers, he falsely reported that October 2008 was the warmest October on record. Statistical scientists jumped on this claim, leading even NASA to admit it was wrong and the month was normal..
You saying there is very little evidence of AGW is like me saying the sun is purple. Just because I say it doesn't make it so. I'm sorry but all the evidence and research disagrees with you. The entire world disagrees with you, the only reason you are arguing in disagreement of AGW is because of propaganda and political deception.
My saying that there is very little evidence of AGW is a FACT. There is no proof or compelling evidence that mankind's activities are causing any observed change. Show me the evidence. Show me how you know that man's activity causes global warming. All they have is an apparent correlation between increases of CO2 over the last 150 years and the increase in global temperatures . . . problem is, we now have 17 consecutive years with no warming. Over the same time period, atmospheric CO2 levels have risen to over 400 ppm.
No, I don't pay attention to "propaganda," Sunshine, I leave that to the vacuous and scientifically challenged who blindly believe whatever they're told by the liberal media and the green movement. "Political deception" is insulting those who disagree with the state approved line. "Political deception" is asserting "the debate is over." As for "propaganda," there has been no greater piece of dishonest "propaganda" than Albert Gore, Jr.'s "An Inconvenient Truth" (the inconvenient truth about "An Inconvenient Truth" is that is wasn't true. CO2 levels trailed the rise in estimated global temperatures, they didn't precede them. They were resultant, not causative). The MSM is rife with propaganda.
No, Sunshine, "the reason I am arguing in disagreement," is because the "science" doesn't stand scrutiny--which is why "the debate is over," the "science is settled," and why the proponents of AGW/CC are resorting to ridicule, threats, insults, and government censorship.
It is also why AGW/CC proponents, like Mann or Hansen or even Al Gore will never debate one of the high profile skeptics in a neutral setting (or at all, for that matter).
There have been no natural events to compensate for the changes we are seeing. You seem to think that the climate changes for no discernible reason and this is a complete fallacy. There is always a trigger to the change. Some examples are solar output variations, volcanoes and asteroids. We cannot find any evidence of these examples. Not because we haven't looked, but because there are none. Nothing matches the changes we are seeing except the increase in CO2 emissions.
LOL!!!! Do you really mean to assert that climate is an unchanging constant? That it would remain precisely as it is today as long as no outside force acted on it? Wow! That's just ignorant..
We know so very little about our climate and how it behaves, what influences it, that you cannot reasonably make such an absurd assertion as, "There is always a trigger to the change."
You can't find what you don't look for and they have not been looking for natural causes--not from day one. Just because there appears to be a correlation between temperature rises and CO2 concentration, doesn't make it so . . . as we now can see very clearly from the data of the past 17 years.
A hypothesis only holds together until an exception is found that cannot be explained. We are currently living in that exception.
Climate does not exist in isolation, it is in constant interaction with the physical environment, variations in ocean currents, wind currents, the planets rotation, axial precession, incident solar radiation, even the eccentricity of the planet's orbit. It is a dynamic system, not a steady-state system, not a closed system.