Going back to World of Warcraft.


Nov 17, 2013
Hey guys. I'm in a bit of a pickle. I know that Blizzard announced the new expantion release soonish (people say it might be out about june 2014) so i was wondering if it even makes sense to go back right now. I'm a type of hardcore raider and i'm extremely bored right now, but I dont want to come back if people already cleared everything out and the raids are pretty much over for most guilds.

If someone could fill me in on the situation i would be just so grateful.

P.S. I know there already was a post like this on teh forums, but it was from 6 months back and a lot of stuff could change in the meantime.
I just joined WoW again myself and I am having a lot of fun. The new place called Timeless Isle is a PERFECT place to catch up in regards of gear, so you get close to having good enough gear to go in SoO through LFR just by getting that gear. A lot of guilds are still trying to complete SoO by themselves, so in my opinion now would be a perfect time to come back =)

If your sole attraction is raiding, then yes, as I recently quit granted my lack of time however given what little experience I've had with the latest tier, it was enjoyable. However, if you're clocking in as casual, timeless isle is terrible, H scen's suck, Heroics are miserably boring & everything is basically rinse and repeat, and PvP is broken to the 10th power.

I've been playing since mid BC, and have to say MoP has been bleh overall, but the latest tier hasn't been too shabby.