going to build my own system


Oct 19, 2001
im checking into building my own system i am leaning toward
p4 with 400 mhz fsb i just recently upgraded my old system from 66 fsb to 100 fsb wow what a diff.
so thats the intrest in 400 fsb back to my question is there memory that will run at 400 mhz just started checking into it havent seen any
If you get a mobo with an Intel 850 Chipset, then you need to get RDRAM, which goes in pairs like the old EDO, and it's more expensive. Intel just came out with a new Chipset, the 845, which will allow you to run regular SDRAM DIMMs, will be a cheaper solution but you will create a bottleneck for your P4.
If you want an advise, forget about the P4, and consider getting an AMD system... Don't get fooled by the big numbers that P4s run at... Get a nice little ASUS mobo with the newest VIA chipset, the KT266A (don't get the KT266, make SURE it has the "A" at the end - KT266->A<-), a DDR memory module and a sweet Athlon XP... you will save money that can be spent on a better quality case like Antec, and you will SMOKE your friend with a P4 that is running 1.8GHz @ 400MHz FSB....


Go to Pricewatch.com for the best deals, and once you chose your vendor, go to resellerratings.com to see if they are a company that you can trust...
Don't forget to go to Borders and get any A+ book, there you will find a lot of good info to learn how to build a system and all the necessary precautions so you don't fry it. Trust me, I work as a Tech in Retail, and most of the customers that think they can build a system, come back the day after with a burned mobo and processor, and try to return it... Get the book, you can even get certified.

Good luck

keep us informed


A television may insult your intelligence but nothing rubs it in
like a computer.
as for P4, make sure you buy a i850 chipset board, with a 478 pin socket, preferably the P4T-E.

the older 423 pin P4 will limkt your upgrades to 2.0 GHz, while the newer 478 pin model will make your upgrade easier till 3.5 GHz or even more.

any other type of platform however cheap, the i845 motherboard with SDRAM will make your PC suck. sont go for it. the i850 board uses RDRAM, four times as fast as SDRAM, and it will be cheap next year so you could get more of it later.

bottomline: get RDRAM
one more bottomline: get a 478 pin P4.


<font color=red>No system is fool-proof. Fools are Ingenious!</font color=red>