gold question



Archived from groups: (More info?)

I was looking to make a white wand for the first time, and I took my
lvl 18 necro to Drognan to shop for socketed wands. When I came
accross one that seemed ok, I realized that my char was unable to carry
enough gold to buy it!

And, if I left and came back with a wealthier char, the wand would
disappear anyway. So how do you do it?

Archived from groups: (More info?)

unklbob wrote:
> I was looking to make a white wand for the first time, and I took my
> lvl 18 necro to Drognan to shop for socketed wands. When I came
> accross one that seemed ok, I realized that my char was unable to
> enough gold to buy it!
> And, if I left and came back with a wealthier char, the wand would
> disappear anyway. So how do you do it?
> Sean


If u mean not crayy enuff in ur pockets then afte pockets empty it will
take rest from what is in ur stash. if u mean u cant put enuff in stash
and pockets then only way I know how would be to message a friend to
come in and buy for u or hold game so u can leave and come back back
with char who has bigger pockets. as long as friend stay in town where
drogan is or wherever shop u want to hold is stuff in window should be
same to make sure u could just make sure friend holds window open
until u get back and thats if u mean on if on sp then i dont
know a way to do it sorry.
