Golem hyper space network



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I'm going to run some test turns to see if I can access it.

I've tried a Chunnel-type setting of waypoints, with speeds set to
zero. That didn't work. I may have set the Golems too far apart. Any
word as to range?

Does anyone have any ideas?
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I dont think it works yet. Host 190 is not yet finished. People just
started using it.
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Meteoro has claimed to get the Log message:
"Wing has hyper jumped using the Golem hyper space network"

So it is apparently doing something.

Of course, he didn't mention whether the fighters had actually moved....
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Meteoro has claimed to get the Log message:
"Wing has hyper jumped using the Golem hyper space network"

So it is apparently doing something.

Of course, he didn't mention whether the fighters had actually moved....
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Amaranthine wrote:
> Meteoro has claimed to get the Log message:
> "Wing has hyper jumped using the Golem hyper space network"
> So it is apparently doing something.
> Of course, he didn't mention whether the fighters had actually

Yes, I received that message in my wings log, but nothing happened. The
fighters moved along their designated waypoints.

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Amaranthine wrote:
> I'm going to run some test turns to see if I can access it.
> I've tried a Chunnel-type setting of waypoints, with speeds set to
> zero. That didn't work. I may have set the Golems too far apart. Any
> word as to range?
> Does anyone have any ideas?

So far it looks like this: Set your fighters Waypoint 1, to a Golem
ship and they will move towards it without using fuel! I can see a few
occasions where this will come handy, but a SDSF has done the job

Few observations:

- First "jump" will consume normal amount of fuel, if there is in the
wings tanks, if there's not enough fuel your wing will jump anyways
(gives a fuel out message, though).

- Hyperjumping is a wrong term here - wings can still hit mines and (I
suspect) attacked.

- Max hyp distance is 80Ly's and can be adjusted by the slide bar

Now, in the other -recent- thread I read something about a change that
Nova mines are now possible to sweep also while in first turn cloak, if
this is true (I hope not), then this would have been brought in to
compensate IMO. If I'm correct this might as well be Hyperjumping
device, meaning minefield immunity during transport in the network. The
range could also be increased to double or something like that to make
it more different from your everyday ship escort effect.

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If you own 3 or more Golems, all your fighters have the power to jump
to their waypoint 1. The wings have unlimited range.

This jump happens before movement.

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Holy Freakin' Heck....

Is it subject to Gravatonic mines and the same effect from the Novas?
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>From an e-mail from Tim

No, nothing can stop it.

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You miss the point. The Bots are supposed to be able to destroy all
life as we know it. With this new change they could take 30 or 40
turns to destroy all life in the galaxy, and thats just too long.
Besides, by turn 15 they should be building nests near enough to their
enemies that the expanding nest effect will have killed half of the
enemies population already, without the Bot player doing much of
anything. (See also Eye of Madagon). This new capability at least
gives them something truely Offensive to work with.
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I have to agree with my old ally Jo. It was bad enough with the old
changes, but these new changes are over the top. I too am in a game
with the Bots, and I agree with Jo, I think I am going to ask that
either they be banned or that I drop before the game starts. I have no
interest in wasting my valuable time playing against an enemy that has
so many weapons for which I have absolutely no counter.
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Wow... this is cool.

"cocomax" <cocomax@aol.com> wrote in message
> If you own 3 or more Golems, all your fighters have the power to jump
> to their waypoint 1. The wings have unlimited range.
> This jump happens before movement.
> Tim
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I suggest that:
1) This is a Race ability, so another race owning 3 Golems can't do
3) You need to have a Golem of your own at the starting spot!
2) Your WP 1 needs to be a Golem of your own, too!

It would still enable a Bot to move his fighters around his empire,
like the Borg can chunnel. There are however ways to cut those lines
(just destroy the Golem) and there is also the problem of continuing
from the WP 1, as e.g. mines will have normal effect and if a laser MF
is placed on top of you, then good bye to all your fighters (single
Golem can carry max 1200 fighters).

I believe this to be an acceptable compromise.
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how about : (id like to call the ability as a chunnel as well :) )
things to make the chunnel more manageable.

1) have the figther "chunnel" be from Golem A to Golem B
or say upto 100 lyr range from Golem B ..
2) have devices that stop regular chunneling affect this as well
3) have the golem expend fuel to create the chunnel
(set a command code to activate the chunnel rather than a ship device)

4) Race ability only.
5) let the "chunnel" happen at the END of movement. (to prevent the
sudden quick
strike effect -- unless this is what was planned) them robots are
predictable as clock work :)
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OR the only other thing I can think off..

this "chunnelling will only work" for pure type 3 fighter wings with
high guard aboard.

- if this is done the rest doesnt apply :)
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I would also like to have FWs with HGs chunnel only, but I don't think
it should be limited to T3s only. I assume not many of them are built -
and probably won't be "just" for the chunneling.
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1) Yes, maybe adding some range was another thought I had, too
2) To keep in sync I would make that the X-field only. On the other
hand the bots can chunnel only fighters, that is already a limitation -
in comparison to the mighty Borg of course.
3) Something like 50, so there is no endless FW chunneling and ships
deep in enemy territory may need refuels
4) Absolutely a must IMHO
5) Too boring ;-))) I would leave it at the beginning
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cocomax wrote:
> If you own 3 or more Golems, all your fighters have the power to jump
> to their waypoint 1. The wings have unlimited range.
> This jump happens before movement.
> Tim

Very good host change, you have again outdone yourself. If you would
please now also reduce the tech level of the Golem to 6 or lower.
And I would know which race I would play with the Shareware version.

BTW I will not jump in on the discussion concerning this thing (fixes,
exploits etc.) - I will just ignore that it does exist (after all I am
not playing planets).
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So, by turn 12 or 15, as a bot player, I build 3 pretty much empty golems,
while my nests have already build me some 20k+ fighters, that I form into
wings and send off to blast all enemy bases, I got a scan of at the time.

Nice work (sarcasm)

Ralph Hoenig, Germany

"Eric" <AzureMonster@AzureMonsters.Lair> schrieb
> Wow... this is cool.
> "cocomax" <cocomax@aol.com> wrote
>> If you own 3 or more Golems, all your fighters have the power to jump
>> to their waypoint 1. The wings have unlimited range.
>> This jump happens before movement.
>> Tim
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I suspected something like this and tried to Sim it yesterday (before
this message) I had 3 golem at the same waypoint but it didn't happen.
Will try again as I have time, but there might be a bug.
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Perhaps we should try playing them and adjusting the new abilities as
neccessary before we ban them? I'm not sure that this is over the top.

"Jason von Argos" <sshelley@sricrm.com> wrote in message
> I have to agree with my old ally Jo. It was bad enough with the old
> changes, but these new changes are over the top. I too am in a game
> with the Bots, and I agree with Jo, I think I am going to ask that
> either they be banned or that I drop before the game starts. I have no
> interest in wasting my valuable time playing against an enemy that has
> so many weapons for which I have absolutely no counter.
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I think the Golem hypser space network needs converted into a Golem
fighter chunnel that would work as follows:

Any fighters starting in the same X,Y as a Golem with WP 1 set to an
X,Y with another Golem will fly thru a Golem chunnel before movement.
The fighters expend no fuel doing so and are immune to all types of
mines and grav wells during it.

However, an active X Field within 200 LY of either Golem will disrupt
formation of the Golem fighter chunnel preventing it was functioning.

Additionally, this fighter chunnel only works on Robot owned Golems and
also this device will never bring other races fighters starting in the
same X,Y through.
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I am aware, that keeping enemy bases alive to "harvest" them is good for the
bots. However, any form of movement, that can not be prevented by any means
is simply killing the game. If the wings would chunnel between Golems
(similar to chunneling of ships between firestorms/clouds), that would be
something different.

Ah well, it is gone already, so I can relax again :)

Ralph Hoenig, Germany

"Jason von Argos" <sshelley@sricrm.com> schrieb
> Ralph
> You miss the point. The Bots are supposed to be able to destroy all
> life as we know it. With this new change they could take 30 or 40
> turns to destroy all life in the galaxy, and thats just too long.
> Besides, by turn 15 they should be building nests near enough to their
> enemies that the expanding nest effect will have killed half of the
> enemies population already, without the Bot player doing much of
> anything. (See also Eye of Madagon). This new capability at least
> gives them something truely Offensive to work with.