Golem Network suggestion for future host version



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Either A or B NOT BOTH

A) Golem can chunnel to another golem with regular HYP rule
but they cannot bring anyone with them, only golem to golem, no range limit

can be stopped by grav mine and similar counter etc...

B) Golem can send Fighters to other Golem via network, no range limit follw
normal HYP rule
no max range

fighters wing sent that way could be stoppped by grav mine and similar
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C) With a network of Golems within at least 350 ly of each other, a
wing that is within 350 ly of one of those Golems can HYP within 350 of
any of the Golems. Example: a wing is within 350 ly of Golem A. Golem
A is within 350 ly of another Golem B and that Golem is within 350 ly
of Golem C. The wing can set a waypoint anywhere within 350 ly of
Golem A, B, or C and appear there next turn using no fuel, but is
subject to Grav/Nova minefields (drawing a line between Golem to Golem
then from nearest Golem to destination) and Gravwell Generators.

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First of all I would like to point out that I believe the Golem network
to be an interesting addition for the Bots. I'm a fan of the Borg, so
fighter chunneling/hyping is something I would like to see implemented.
The advantage of a (vastly) increased range for the bit fighters is
obvious. It should however not be more than the range and we need some
disadvantages, too.

- Fighters should only move from one Golem to the other, no additional
range. It could be implemented in the chunneling phase, meaning that
the FW has to be at the starting Golem and can move to the target Golem
using WP1, from there on with normal movement to any other target using
further WPs. As alternative it could happen at the end of the movement,
meaning that the FW can tarvel normally towards the starting Golem and
has to set the target Golem as the last (!) WP. This would be very
tricky, as it needs to be avoided that the FW moves already from the
starting Golem towards the target Golem before entering the network,
due to rounding errors. A similiar situation can happen if you try to
Ground Channel a base with a Firestorm and have the ship move to the
base. If you set the speed wrongly, the ship ends up 1 LY away and no
base chunneling happens. To avoid these movement problems I would
prefer the chunneling phase / before normal movement.
- After the chunneling/HYPing the fighters should act normaly, meaning
no MF immunity or any other advantage, but no disadvantage either.
- It could be "explained" that fighters need a HG to be able to do this
kind of difficult travel, this would be the first small step towards
- As another disadvantage I would say that the network needs a lot of
energy, thereby fully depleeting the ship power banks for this turn.
Furthermore no movement for the involved Golems (both starting and
target!), no energy for weapons (sitting duck!) and maybe only enough
power for half shields. Expect too loose the Golem if you are in a
battle zone!
- I would also say that a Golem can only be starting / ending point
once. So no concentration of wings from 2 different points to the same
spot, unless you have 2+ Golems at the target spot.
- I would maybe also say that the process should use up 50 Fuel on both
- I believe the network should really be a device on the golem, which
can be switched on or off. Just switching it on has all the
disadvantages, no matter if and how many FWs are travelling along.

I'm not sure if the disadvantages are "bad" enough, but after some more
discussion and some game experiance we would find a good solution.
During that time the Bots are however getting stronger - or will simply
not use the device if the disadvantages are too much.

Just my 0.02$
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Interesting. I tried to post TIm about this few days ago, for some
reason it bounced back. But hey!, this is a good place to paste it. =)
(I'm too lazy to edit it and it's a bit messy, sorry for that).

Hi Tim,

I did some thinking on the matter of Hyperspace netweorks and decided
to wrap it up in an email, in case you're still thinking of it/ need

I think it's a great idea - robot's are a bit too passive race, this
way they could be livened up a bit. I hope this is not a terminately
trashcanned idea - in fact I would bring this to the table and make
adjustments to the race so that this get's tuned in - powerwise that

This would also be an alternative way for robots to strenghten the
attack fleet - something that they'd need.

Maybe the Golems that can participate in GHN creation should give out
the maximum energy output. Meaning tomahawk generators and Tylium
Thrusters. Gen tech makes GNH take longer to come into game play, as
the robots have pressure to raise planet tech and several other techs

So, for Networks to work they'd need max Gen tech, Eng tech at Tylium
(but most probably at FTL1) hull tech 9 - and then there's, weapons, PD
etc that are still as important. Another things is that Golem with it's
12 engines being Tyliums take minumum 336 tritanium to build, which at
least under my command would be something considered expensive.

3rd. Like in Chunneling, have there be an anchor ship and sending ship
- this would only make sense, as the wings should stay inside the
network. Make the jumping between Golems more efficient (like unlimited
HYP distance). But also leave an option to jump from a Golem to a
random waypoint. If a player jumps his wings from a Golem to an
"Golemless location", give it a maximum range ( maybe around 250LY?)
and make it vulnerable to minefields. I really dislike the idea that
robot's can even catch fleeing enemy pods on their own - This wouldput
a stop to it.

Some ideas to consider:

- "3 Golem rule" - extra anchor ship is needed to fully exploit the
- If a wing jumps to a empty location (from a golem) make the jump
- Introduce a command code to the wings in case one doesn't want the
wing to jump
- Wing size, Golem has a fighter bay of 1200, maybe wings of this size
could only be allowed to travel in Hyperspace?


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Yes C is better !


"Magik" <rickglover@paulhastings.com> a écrit dans le message de news:
> C) With a network of Golems within at least 350 ly of each other, a
> wing that is within 350 ly of one of those Golems can HYP within 350 of
> any of the Golems. Example: a wing is within 350 ly of Golem A. Golem
> A is within 350 ly of another Golem B and that Golem is within 350 ly
> of Golem C. The wing can set a waypoint anywhere within 350 ly of
> Golem A, B, or C and appear there next turn using no fuel, but is
> subject to Grav/Nova minefields (drawing a line between Golem to Golem
> then from nearest Golem to destination) and Gravwell Generators.
> Magik
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I'm going for D:

D. A robot owned golem can chunnel robot fighters after movement (and
combat) to another robot owned Golem. Wings starting away from the X, Y
of the orgin will reach there in time to catch the chunnel.
But this can be stopped by a nearby X Field Device (200 LY) on either
end. Consumes 100 fuel on the Golem opening up the channel.

In order words, exactly like ground chunnel for fighters.
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joncnunn@yahoo.com schrieb:
> I'm going for D:
> D. A robot owned golem can chunnel robot fighters after movement (and
> combat) to another robot owned Golem. Wings starting away from the X, Y
> of the orgin will reach there in time to catch the chunnel.
> But this can be stopped by a nearby X Field Device (200 LY) on either
> end. Consumes 100 fuel on the Golem opening up the channel.
> In order words, exactly like ground chunnel for fighters.

But in my last games I see not much Crystals but many Robos.
And if there is a Crystal in game I must become I can stop this first a
ship with X Field which maybe not possible.

Other thing you are very tricky and would give the Robos an nearly
unstoppable decvice or not ?
All X-field ships in game can / must come in range of a Gun Zero if the
Golems are parked over a base with it.
So depending on order of events the Field may stop the fighter chunnel
but the X-Field ship is nearly death.

So if the new Network will be implemented it should be stopped by Mines
and not X-Field.

Bye-Bye JoSch.
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yes more than 1 race should be able to top it

"nospam" <j_schwarze_@freenet.de> a écrit dans le message de news:
> joncnunn@yahoo.com schrieb:
>> I'm going for D:
>> D. A robot owned golem can chunnel robot fighters after movement (and
>> combat) to another robot owned Golem. Wings starting away from the X, Y
>> of the orgin will reach there in time to catch the chunnel.
>> But this can be stopped by a nearby X Field Device (200 LY) on either
>> end. Consumes 100 fuel on the Golem opening up the channel.
>> In order words, exactly like ground chunnel for fighters.
> But in my last games I see not much Crystals but many Robos.
> And if there is a Crystal in game I must become I can stop this first a
> ship with X Field which maybe not possible.
> Other thing you are very tricky and would give the Robos an nearly
> unstoppable decvice or not ?
> All X-field ships in game can / must come in range of a Gun Zero if the
> Golems are parked over a base with it.
> So depending on order of events the Field may stop the fighter chunnel but
> the X-Field ship is nearly death.
> So if the new Network will be implemented it should be stopped by Mines
> and not X-Field.
> Bye-Bye JoSch.