Good Laptop For World Of Warcraft


Dec 6, 2012
Let me start by saying that building my own is not an option. I don't know how, I don't want to learn, I just don't want to do it. I'm not going to. Ever.

What I would like to know is if the following laptop would be good for World of Warcraft (since it is the only game I play) under the following circumstances:

CPU: A10-5750M with 8650G integrated graphics
GPU: Radeon 8750M
RAM: 8GB DDR3 (2 Dimm)

I don't require to play on Maximum settings, but here is a list of what I'll be looking for performance-wise:

Resolution: 1366x768
Texture Resolution: High
Texture Filtering: Lowest/Off/Don't Care
Projected Textures: Off
View Distance: Highest
Environment Detail: Highest
Ground Clutter: Highest
Shadow Quality: Lowest/Off/Don't Care
Liquid Detail: Lowest/Off/Don't Care
Sunshafts: Off
Particle Density: Highest
SSAO: Lowest/Off/Don't Care

Does anybody think that is do-able? I'm used to playing on my current Macbook and getting about 20 fps on lowest settings, so I'd be happy with about 30 or so on the settings I outlined.

Thanks in advance for any advice!