Google Says Windows is Torturing Users

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Google it think has it spot on... most PC users... the ones that dont even know what tom's is... need the simplist interface and computer you can make...

see iOS
To me, in some respects, we seem to be going backwards. With clouds and dumb down OS's, it just seems instead of learning the complexities and in turn how to use them to our advantage we are just throwing all that to some no name companies to do it for us. I fear that future computers will basically be nothing more then dumb terminals restricted to only the apps approved of by the companies in their respective clouds, and the ability to explore, learn, and just plain tinker to see what happens will be a thing of the past.
That's right everyone... we're too stupid to actually manage our own machines, so we need to let Google simplify our lives.

All we need to do is copy our critical information to their cloud, because clearly it's been proven that big companies like Google (and Sony) are entirely trustworthy with our data.
[citation][nom]kalogagatya[/nom]Oh I am so NOT going to have my data on the cloud!!I have my data right here next to me where it belongs....[/citation]
Agreed, but I do like OS X over Windows any day. It's easier to use. Now saying Linux is easier I find hard to believe, maybe once you have it set up but MS and hardware companies are always changing hardware to F up Linux when and where ever they can causing driver issues that can be a pain till you get it right.
MS us to support Open GL back in the XP days but snubbed it after Linux started gaining momentum and gave us the proprietary DX bloatware.
I just hope Google improve their support to end users. Based on my experience with the google apps support....
"Windows is torturing us, blah, blah, blah, there is nothing inherently wrong with Windows." Man, either you love to be tortured or you're not thinking straight.
[citation][nom]Robin Blair[/nom]He didn't say "nodoby" wants to manage their computer, he said "most people" and judging by iPad sales, he's probably right. Most people don't read Tom's Hardware either.[/citation]

There's a difference between what I would use as a "consumption device" and my computer. Since an iPad requires a computer currently, I'd say a huge percentage of iPad owners also own a computer.
[citation][nom]cookoy[/nom]"Windows is torturing us, blah, blah, blah, there is nothing inherently wrong with Windows." Man, either you love to be tortured or you're not thinking straight.[/citation]

I noticed the same thing. Apparently there's "nothing wrong" with being "tortured".
Brin is talking out of both sides of his mouth. He thinks that Windows is "a flawed model fundamentally" but also says, "I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with Windows". Which is it?
There is one BIG problem about the google OS, it does not support games, support ALL games, not just a few or some and you will definitely convert a lot of users.
Google comeon... Windows does not torture anyone. The people who would get tortured by it are the same people who would not know how to use Linux in the first place. Be realistic here. At least these people who get "tortured" can receive support. Who can really help a user on your ChromeOS? Exactly.
Doesn't support game? What are you talking about? You can play Farmville on it... and I'm sure there are a lot of really wizzer java games that are really better than those violent first person shooters anyway.

And all those great internet games can play on the fancy new Atom processors (greatest thing ever), I don't want any of those bloated games with their fancy graphics anyway - just imagine how long they'd take to download from the cloud. Gotta go... someone just sent me a TRACTOR!
He's not wrong.
90% of computer users are not capable of managing their computer properly. They need help from friends, family or even professional support.

The problem is that handing over this responsibility and all your data to Google isn't exactly a good idea either....
Google already knows way too much about us all.
I wasn't talking bout Web based games, honestly, they aren't really that great, good for a doodle here and there, i am talking bout real games.
Windows tortured me when I had to shell out like $120 for 7 Home Premium. On another note, I have no problem managing my computer. If you know what you're doing, managing your computer is definitely not torture, I'd rather manage my own comp than join the cloud-computing bandwagon.
Yes, it's torture being smart enough to manage a computer. TORTURE! I've always wondered at how much easier life must be after a lobotomy.
In my opinion we should start calling these gadgets something else, not computers. Android, Chrome OS, IOS and others are operating systems made for children and animals. Poking around on a touch-screen shouldn't be considered "operating a computer".
Yes I can store all my personal information on someone else's computer. Just what I've been waiting for. Plus I can always access the cloud from everywhere, and I always wanted my ability to locally install programs taken away. As Charlie Sheen would say "Winning!"
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