Google Says Windows is Torturing Users

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For everyone stating he's an idiot and claiming that he's wrong need to remember 1 word: Apple.

That word alone proves him true. Had there not been people who know nothing of PCs and don't mind being locked and walled in apple would have never taken off.

And yes, if you want your OS to be completely customizable you go linux.
[citation][nom]ReggieRay[/nom]MS us to support Open GL back in the XP days but snubbed it after Linux started gaining momentum and gave us the proprietary DX bloatware.[/citation]

So how is one of the best and most updated developer api's for gaming bloat ware? I would rather call Open gl bloat ware nowadays, why? It's installed and yet very rarely used and its not receiving the updates it need to become truly competitive again - That is bloat ware in my book!

The last few updates it got have only been patching in what Dx have had for a while, nothing really new! Its a shame, Open gl had great promise back in the days (GL Quake anyone?) but then it started lagging so MS started develop its own api so the developers could work on the game, not the engine. Its a reason most developers choose dx over opengl!
nice big wall of google-hate here, excellent :) sad thing is that the morons who'll happily accept this OS & hand over control to google will never read a single comment here... gonna have to go forth & spread the hatred.
You guys really are over reacting. What's so bad about the cloud? I mean, yea, sure you can't access any of your movies or music if you are in a dead spot, so what? Who needs reliable access to their personal storage? And yea, sure this all benefits Google by allowing them to peer into all of your data to make their job of data mining that much easier, but so what?

Clearly Google has perfected computing!
clouds are nice, cool shapes and everything....
then they turn gray and nasty, bring bad weather with them.

I can see the same scenario with cloud computing (maybe without rain, tornadoes etc) but definitely dangerous.

I keep my data where it is, on my trusty hard drives.
I enjoy "managing" and maintenance is a MUST for good 'upkeep' for your PC Desktop or Laptop.

I honestly think when things go "cloud", that's where information goes into limbo, "the unknown". I may not be a Programming Grandmaster, But I sure as hell know my Computer Software AND Hardware inside and out.

Lastly, I believe this fuzzy thinking of "let the rest take care of our problems" is the reason why we are dumbing down.

Can you imagine another Aaron's spy cam incident or even worse, your privacy details like what happened to PSN happening to you on a more deep personal level? Be smart.. Know your stuff. ^^
[citation][nom]aaron88_7[/nom]You guys really are over reacting. What's so bad about the cloud? I mean, yea, sure you can't access any of your movies or music if you are in a dead spot, so what? Who needs reliable access to their personal storage? And yea, sure this all benefits Google by allowing them to peer into all of your data to make their job of data mining that much easier, but so what? Clearly Google has perfected computing![/citation]

Nope the cloud is excellent for storage and information keeping compared to local files, 24/7 availability to hackers, just need to hack one server to get zillions of user files instead of having to hack a zillion systems. All the benefits there are... just look what happened when Sony got hacked, the same will happen again - The cloud is totally flawless for storage/information keeping! /end sarcasm!
what are the chance that hackers directly hack into your personal laptop? quite low if you have any decent anti-virus software, plus you are a no-body.
What are the chance of google's cloud server got hacked and relase all your info? For certain 100% in very near future. Since they are probably the number 1 target out there next to amazon.
What are the change of google selling your data/profile out for profit? also 100% on going right now.
[citation][nom]killerclick[/nom]Yes, let's make everything as simple as possible because there is nothing more important than retards being able to get their porn.[/citation]

Dont forget about the Facebook, I mean the internet!
[citation][nom]internetlad[/nom]man, google is becoming somewhat of a mixed bag recently.[/citation]

That was 2 years ago. Now they are worst than Big Brother or even Apple.
[citation][nom]dasfjadkf[/nom]what are the chance that hackers directly hack into your personal laptop? quite low if you have any decent anti-virus software, plus you are a no-body.What are the chance of google's cloud server got hacked and relase all your info? For certain 100% in very near future. Since they are probably the number 1 target out there next to amazon.What are the change of google selling your data/profile out for profit? also 100% on going right now.[/citation]

if it happened to a big corporation like Sony it could happen to everyone else. Even if Sony was being bad at securing there servers do you really think other companies would not be as bad? i would be scared to know what kind of security is on some of Google and MS servers. sometimes even if chances are slim sometimes is not worth the risk.
Well, with Chrome, users will lose control IMO. It is true that the PCs have to be managed by the users, but letting google do it means foregoing control which many will not like.
the only thing chrome os is missing is games, if steam was intergrated to chrome os as an optional "tab" and you could download and install them on your device (as long as you have free space in your hard drive) I would totaly go chrome os right now, hell, right yesterday.

with google docs, google calander, contacts, email, youtube\facebook all online the only thing that im missing is my games, get my games on a chrome os and u'll get me, me and a legion of people.

hope you read this, google.
[citation][nom]irtehyar[/nom]Yes, it's torture being smart enough to manage a computer. TORTURE! I've always wondered at how much easier life must be after a lobotomy.[/citation]

See: A brave new world, 1984 and THX 1138.
[citation][nom]lamorpa[/nom]Summary of comments: I'm an experienced computer scientist geek and since I can handle my computer everyone should.Get real. Most users have no idea how to maintain their Win/PC and have to (try to) rely on (shudder) Geek Squad or buying a new one every 2 years. (I'm still trying to fully straighten out my son's computer from a Geek squad hit his mother sicked on it. - you wouldn't believe the random, pointless s**t they installed.)[/citation]

I agree with you, 'cept you're also generalizing from your own perspective 😛

I say that Google ain't so Mad on their POV, BUT if they make it mandatory, it won't do. Telling people they don't have a choice is never ever a good idea; that's like Marketing 101. Make it easy for people to opt out on that "we handle the PC for you" and I'll support the idea, otherwise, even though I can give Google the benefit of doubt, I won't support it and won't spread the word on using their OS.

If you don't want or need ease of use, then don't install Chrome OS. Geez. Nobody is making you use it, it's just an option for people who aren't computer savvy. I hate when power users get all butt hurt and defensive when someone wants to offer something simpler.
For people saying "YEAH BUT IT WONT RUN CRYSIS SO SCREW YOU", it doesn't need to. This isn't aimed at gamers. It's aimed at businesses and casual computing, so your opinion doesn't matter.

[citation][nom]theabsinthehare[/nom]If you don't want or need ease of use, then don't install Chrome OS. Geez. Nobody is making you use it, it's just an option for people who aren't computer savvy. I hate when power users get all butt hurt and defensive when someone wants to offer something simpler. For people saying "YEAH BUT IT WONT RUN CRYSIS SO SCREW YOU", it doesn't need to. This isn't aimed at gamers. It's aimed at businesses and casual computing, so your opinion doesn't matter.[/citation]

Itll dumb down the whole ecosystem.
So any day now, Google's "CLOUDNet" will reach self-awareness, heralding a new age in A.I. and will begin the arduous task of wiping out mankind because he couldn't "manage his own computer"....
Young hacker - "hey man, google's cloud is up, let's hack a company and steal their data."

Old hacker - "Nawww, lets wait for it to be adopted by millions and hack them all...bwahahaha"

New bogus firmware update bricks ChromeOS devices...
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