Google Says Windows is Torturing Users

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Windows is torturing users, agreed ... but not for the reasons Google have stated. Windows is torturing users with bloat that shouldn't be included in an operating system. Windows should give users the choice of installing what they want and leaving stuff out they don't want.

Even the MacOS X installer gives you more options than the Windows installer which is pretty sad seeing how people attribute MacOS X as the "dumbed down idiot of the OS family". Personally, I'd run MacOS X over Windows ... better yet, I rather run Linux than Windows and MacOS X.
The funny thing is most people don't take care of their computer and their ignorance causes the problems they have later on. Seriously does even 10% of the nation know how to defragment a computer. Luckilly MS has the fantastic MS SE that still most people ignore because their too lazy. Chrome OS is a great idea... for morons.
There are several problems with Google plan though. It's interesting to see whether this plan can take off.

First, the reason that Google giving out the laptops is because they don't have a choice. The laptop is the only way Google can lock their customers into Google's cloud service. If customers can use their own laptops, they will be able to install their own software applications, and they can avoid using Google service. Worse off, if Google laptops are not locked down, users can install their own software applications, and again, they can avoid using Google service. Customers still have to pay $20/mo or $240/yr for the laptop though, but that would be a nice bargain for a general purpose laptop, at Google's loss. This is why the only application available on Google laptop is ... the web browser. This sale strategy looks similar to cell phones. However, cell phone carriers charge customers very little or none for the phones because they don't care what software applications customers will install. They don't sell software, Google does.

First problem leads to the next: Customers don't want to be forced to use the same laptop. Some people want small portable laptops, others want big powerful laptops. Some people only use laptops for emails, others use laptops for videos, games, and office works. One size definitely doesn't fit all.

Another problem is data security. Google stores everything into the cloud. That is a big no-no to many people with personal or sensitive data. But since Google is cloud-based, they don't have a choice. Imagine someone is playing a blue-ray video or playing a computer game, Google can render the pictures from the cloud, but first the video or the game must be uploaded to the cloud, so that it can be processed by the cloud and the browser can access it. Imaging how long it takes to upload that blue-ray.

To be successful, Google must somehow ditch the Google laptop, let customers to use their own laptops, and allow customers to run any native non-browser-based software applications (that means. heavier weight applications such as office suites, video editors, dvd burners, anti-viruses, ... even full-versioned PhotopShop and AutoCAD) from the cloud. Only when customers can rent and run every pre-existing or future Windows applications from the cloud that they will no longer need to install any software application on their laptops. Unfortunately for Google, they don't own the technology to do that and there are already forerunners in this area.
I have never once felt tortured by using Windows and have never expended any energy "managing my computer". I am definitely not going to store my information on Google's cloud so get your head out of your ass Google.
wow... guss Ill add my two. chrome really has no major purpose. Every time i see one I ask why not just Ubuntu with chrome preinstalled?

I do win 7 because its easy to set up, it can do everything that Googles OS can, plus gaming.

I also do Ubuntu. Its FREE fun to tweek... Really fun to tweak :) and does anything and everything as long as its not gaming.

Google's OS... just dosent fit in anywhere.
Hate where the industry is going, freedom and privacy is lost to the cloud and there is nothing reliable about outdated security on servers where hackers can access for months without anyone noticing.

-I was going to buy a chrome OS laptop, but screw that and screw apple.
People! You can stop the outcry for freedom now. It's OK. You are NOT the target for Chrome OS.

You want control over your PC ? That's fine. But imagine you have to provide a reliable PC platform for 150 users. All the programs have to work and when they break something YOU have to repair it within hours or provide an alternative system. Oh, and they all want total control over their computers. Suddenly you find yourself willing to give up playing with drivers and all those installers, data backup etc. for reliability and simpleness. It seems that's what Chrome is offering.

No control Computer is your working tool. - Chrome can provide that. As with appropriate amount of time and effort any other OS.
You know something about computers but not a lot. You're willing to give away some control over your PC to corporations - Windows, Macs.
You know a lot about computers and are not too unsure of it to use it - Linux. It's as simple as that.
[citation][nom]malphas[/nom]No, it's not. I'm dedicated to the PC platform for gaming and don't own any consoles, but the sad truth is consoles dominate the gaming ecosystem at the moment and the vast majority of PC users neither use them for gaming, nor are their systems capable of running most modern games.Linux's failure to penetrate the desktop market has nothing to do with gaming except in a minority of enthusiasts who would like to make the switch but don't because they can't play games on Linux, it's simply because Linux is still a mess, especially to the average PC user (i.e. not people posting on Tom's).You're all ranting like maniacs about how wrong Google have got this, but you don't seem to be realising that Google isn't talking about you here, it's talking about people that use their budget Dell laptops for Gmail, Youtube and Facebook and have their systems become slowly overrun with Windows rot and malware because of their inability and unwillingness to maintain them (somewhat mitigated by Windows 7, but was particularly true in the XP days and prior).[/citation]

This guy understands. Everyone's not a superuser like us. The rest of the world doesn't care about computers. They just want it to become more simple. They don't like using computers. Give them something they wont have to care about is Google's mindset.

It's still morbidly wrong imo. Oh well. It makes me ashamed to use Gmail.
@robert trans: You're missing the point and still thinking in pre-cloud terms, I'm not saying Google Chrome is going to be a huge success (I'm not even sure Google thing it will be either, since this seems more like another experiment than some of their other endeavors like Android), but you're completely failing to understand what they're attempting with it.

A) There's definitely a large demographic of PC users that don't use anything on their computers apart from a web browser, or use a web browser 90% of the time and a few select applications like Skype or MSN. This demographic is going to grow as the web becomes more capable of providing the same applications that were previously only possible through software. I remember back when to use email, you had to have an email client installed on your PC since web based email didn't exist - now people downloading emails to their local machines via software like Outlook Express is the minority, and most users are happy to use services like Gmail, where their data is stored in the cloud. I daresay half the people in this thread that are so vehemently opposed to cloud storage are hypocritically using web based email accounts.

B) If all your software is run server side then there's no difference between a powerful laptop or a less capable one, as long as their both capable of running the Chrome OS. This is one of the main tenants of this approach to computing. You could even play high end games like Crysis on a pitifully specced netbook using services like OnLive. And Google aren't selling a one-size-fits-all "Google laptop" anyway, they're just allowing OEMs to install Chrome OS to their own hardware, same as with Android, so assuming the idea takes off, there would be a varied selection of machines to choose from anyway. Your point here is already moot really.

C) I think the general populace is far less concerned about data security in the cloud than enthusiasts are, for better or worse. email communication is probably the most sensitive data many people have, and like I said previously that's already on the cloud for the most part. People are also happy to store family photos on Flickr, home movies on YouTube, etc. I use a Drobo for my own data storage, but most people have all their files on a single hard drive which is massively more susceptible to data loss than a cloud service.

With regard to things like blu-ray... you are completely stuck in a dated mindset here, the whole idea behind cloud computing would mean you wouldn't be accessing data through optical media in the first place, you'd stream a movie from an online service, so again this is a moot point for the majority of people. People creating their own data like photographers, film makers, etc. will run into trouble here, but this isn't the kind of user Google is catering to here, those people will obviously need entirely different systems from the average user.

D) Your suggestion on how Google could be successful is totally unworkable and would amount to a poor attempt to ape Microsoft Windows, when Google are trying to do something completely different here. I wouldn't use something like Google Chrome, except as a third device after my desktop and laptop maybe, simply for convenient web browsing on something bigger than a phone. For many people however a Chrome OS powered laptop will fit their needs better than a Windows 7 machine, and if not now then probably in the future as the web becomes increasingly used as an application platform due HTML 5 and such, rather than just a means of displaying static pages.
Considering that information is almost an equal to power and that data can be turned into info if found useful; it's no mistery they are so devotedly indexing the internet, storing personal data of millions with gmail and other services, controling what you can share (youtube, google ads) and even using satellites to photograph each and every square mile of land, which then they justify with products like google earth and street view... And now they're trying to impose the cloud.
If you start to think about it, hell yes theyve got too much info already.
[citation][nom]lamorpa[/nom]Summary of comments: I'm an experienced computer scientist geek and since I can handle my computer everyone should.Get real. Most users have no idea how to maintain their Win/PC and have to (try to) rely on (shudder) Geek Squad or buying a new one every 2 years. (I'm still trying to fully straighten out my son's computer from a Geek squad hit his mother sicked on it. - you wouldn't believe the random, pointless s**t they installed.)[/citation]

Oh, but I would, I really would believe the utter stupidity of the Gleep Squid idiots! Also because of thier completely ridiculous pricing, people in my area would rather throw away a fixable computer than pay me half of what those idiots charge to fix it! $195 to come onsite for ANYTHING?? INSANE!!
[citation][nom]Stevus[/nom]Brin is talking out of both sides of his mouth. He thinks that Windows is "a flawed model fundamentally" but also says, "I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with Windows". Which is it?[/citation]

Both sides of his mouth?? More like talking out his ass, Its very simple really, if you trust Google (at all) you deserve whatever bad befalls you! WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!! Google only wants to do good for Google, data snooping, wifi sniffing, 9000 lb gorrilla!!!Googrilla??
Google GTFO you will fail no one trusts the cloud and you have a bad rep. Windows never took info from me and never "tortured" me. it gave us a system that we can control ourselves. thats what a computer is for.
[citation][nom]nadavp3[/nom]the only thing chrome os is missing is games, if steam was intergrated to chrome os as an optional "tab" and you could download and install them on your device (as long as you have free space in your hard drive) I would totaly go chrome os right now, hell, right yesterday.with google docs, google calander, contacts, email, youtube\facebook all online the only thing that im missing is my games, get my games on a chrome os and u'll get me, me and a legion of people.hope you read this, google.[/citation]

You sir qualify as SHEEPLE!
I hope you enjoy being under Googrillas boot as much as you sound like you do. IT WILL ONLY GET WORSE!
[citation][nom]malphas[/nom]No, it's not. I'm dedicated to the PC platform for gaming and don't own any consoles, but the sad truth is consoles dominate the gaming ecosystem at the moment and the vast majority of PC users neither use them for gaming, nor are their systems capable of running most modern games.[/citation]

I would love to build your next gaming system, I like people like you who understand the value of a PC platform for gaming!!
I really do build custom gaming rigs for sale, built to your requirements.
My last build went into a HAF 912, and is currently driving a 52" LCD screen! Nothing better than a sucessful build!!
Cloud computing ? People get overexcited about technology and forget about the "cave man principle". Think what happened to paperless office.
Contrary to Google's claim....75% percent of businesses can not be moved to Google OS immediately. Automotive Dealerships can't be migrated to Google OS....Most companies contracted by the US Government can't be migrated to Google OS....Automotive Collision Centers can't be migrated to Google OS....Automotive Insurance companies can't be migrated to Google OS. Most manufacturing companies can't be migrated to Google OS... Companies that handle military tech shows, can't be migrated to Google OS. Hell, I've already covered nearly 30% of the US Companies that use computers "professionally".... School's can't be migrated to Google OS....Software development companies can't be migrated to Google OS....3D Graphics studios can't be migrated to Google OS... Movie Studios can't be migrated to Google OS.....nearing 50% here.... Internet Service Providers can't be migrated to Google OS.... These companies are stuck with Windows, Linux, Unix or OSX because either the software is unavailable, the security is non-existant, "cloud computing" isn't reliable enough or "cloud computing" simply isn't capable of performing the necessary tasks.

Just imagine...Boeing or Lockheed Martin is working on a new "state-of-the-art" aircraft for the military. They've migrated to Google OS and thus, have all their data stored "in the cloud". They fire an employee, who gets pissed off. This former employee goes home, tells his friends about what happened. A couple days later, the plans for this new "state-of-the-art" aircraft ends up posted all over the internet. A terrorist gets his hands on these plans.... All because of "cloud computing".... Yes, I know....a bit of an extreme scenario, but given the fact that the Pentagon is targeted by hackers constantly, it's extremely plausible.

[citation][nom]nebun[/nom]almost forgot....if you think that google OS is more secure, think is not, by a long shot[/citation]
How can you use Google OS and secure in the same sentence?? If it's stored "in the cloud", it's insecure...period. It's impossible to secure data stored "in the cloud"...
Good luck hacking's Google's cloud services.

The logic that if it happened to Sony it can happen to anybody makes Sony's IT / Web Security department sound competent. The hackers exploited a known bug.

And I'd hope Windows is secure as its targeted by malicious software on a scale orders of magnitude higher than other OS's.
Are we all talking about the same Windows? As in, the desktop OS?

And nobody said to put IP or confidential information off of your companies private server.

Strange backlash, imo.
I will be more than happy to store my 380gb and still growing collection of porno in google's cloud. That should serve very well as an online backup, and to provide entertainment for google's employees' lonely nights as well.
YAY, let's make our users even DUMBER than before!

YAY, let's put all of our data on the CLOUD!

YAY, let's dance around and be free of the Windows torture!!!

F U Google.

Let's educate the users and allow them to take ownership of their computer use.

Let's keep our heads (and data!) on the ground where we can individually and actively monitor it, instead of 'in the Cloud' where we have no idea who has access to it.

Let's keep using Windows or other OSes that actually make people somewhat responsible for their computer use.

After seeing the article regarding Google's comments ...I actually felt it was necessary to register here at Tom's to post my view.

Although I am not a raging fan of Microsoft and it has its issues of course,the thought of "cloud computing" and giving up your control of your personal information and data is downright SCARY!

I remember a number of years ago when the powers that be on main stream media continuously pushed the "future of computing" Yet it was strange because although you constantly heard that phrase they never actually clearly explained what it really meant..I wondered why, was I too dull to get the gist?..But now I realize why they might have been reluctant to fully explain it to the general public....over the past year they suddenly have clearly explained it though...(again planned this way?) and the concept is pretty frightening if you value your rights under the constitution and your privacy.

Who really trusts any company with all their personal info?

I actually think this is part of a scheme completely remove any remaining privacy rights we have in the USA.

I also agree that even if it is by accident Microsoft OS forces folks to THINK when they use their computer and in this way you LEARN things.

It may be annoying to some people but there are far too many dullards functioning in our society today and things are already too dumbed down if you ask me.

Apple OS is for elitists willing to pay a hefty price for the "lifestyle" aspect of the system.

I really wished that the other open source OS like Linux would have become more readily available on prebuilt PCs from the major PC mfgs, like HP, Dell, Lenovo, ect.

I personally WILL NEVER allow my personal info to be "stored" in its entirety on something like Google Cloud.

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