Google Says Windows is Torturing Users

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u guy dont know????!!!! windows is killing very slowly all ur pc components, plus to uploading ur data to cloud! and try to make ur mom feels like a pro using a u always will have lag cuz ur mama know how to use a pc and internet!
Is there a browser add-on available that detects the text phrase "Marcus Yam" and replaces it with "TROLL" in 50 pt font so I know to ignore his posts?

It's kind of funny, but the android concept for a pc isn't a bad idea at all. So long as the apps are in order and you're not trying to hide the kind of porn you're not supposed to download then you should be good. The only thing you can't replace your pc for is real gaming and visual studio.
Also, as far as personal data like your girlfriends naked pics. Keeps those on your local storage. Even now all android devices let you store stuff on SDCards. So long as I can choose whats on the cloud and whats not then it will only benefit me.
So I think those people who fully supports Chrome OS are stupid people who only surf the web and play stupid web games. For people who like complexity which is us will not use it. So, call, e-mail, fax,.... us if your OS can handle Crysis, 3D Studio...
How many of you are right now using google chrome instead ie 9?...
yes.. by now, games are not runnig on linux, Mac, etc.. but is realy windows a need for us?
I don't think google should have my stuffs in the cloud, fuck it. I want to have the control of what it belongs to me..
nooooo way, I'm nog going to give my storage data to google, in some cloud feature. nooooooo sir.

this feature is for some fucks who really don't know how to manage their stuff. lamers.
I'm a geek. I WANT to manage my computer. The more dials, knobs, switches and tweaking options I have, the better.
News 10 years from now: "Google lost 10 million users' files because of a flood in the HQ building. The backups were lost too because the admin executed the wrong script, low level formating the backup drives instead of restoring the data. Sorry for the inconvenience; hopefully will not happen again."

Cloud is good for stuff like saved games and e-mails. Something that you can quickly backup on a main computer.
So its not torture to have Google controlling how you use your computer? What browser to use, where you store information? Are you kidding? I'll take Microsoft or Apple over Google OS anytime!
I hate to break it to everyone posting about this article about personal information and cloud computing....but your information is already out there in a cloud, just look at social networking sites, online banking, ISP information, etc. You've already given your personal information to the cloud.
[citation][nom]kilo_17[/nom]Windows tortured me when I had to shell out like $120 for 7 Home Premium. On another note, I have no problem managing my computer. If you know what you're doing, managing your computer is definitely not torture, I'd rather manage my own comp than join the cloud-computing bandwagon.[/citation]

1) I was not tortured by Windows after paying a $120 ransom (which was torture).
2) If you know what you do not know (which is impossible), you can manage your own system.
Does this apply to any real people?
[citation][nom]dimar[/nom]News 10 years from now: "Google lost 10 million users' files because of a flood in the HQ building. The backups were lost too because the admin executed the wrong script, low level formating the backup drives instead of restoring the data. Sorry for the inconvenience; hopefully will not happen again."Cloud is good for stuff like saved games and e-mails. Something that you can quickly backup on a main computer.[/citation]
Luckily hard disk crashes and natural disasters do not happen to real people...
[citation][nom]dimar[/nom]News 10 years from now: "Google lost 10 million users' files because of a flood in the HQ building. The backups were lost too because the admin executed the wrong script, low level formating the backup drives instead of restoring the data. Sorry for the inconvenience; hopefully will not happen again."Cloud is good for stuff like saved games and e-mails. Something that you can quickly backup on a main computer.[/citation]
Yeah, because we all know Google keep their entire database in a single office building with no preventative measures for incidents like flooding, rather than say numerous dedicated datecentres worldwide with multiple layers of redundancy and backup procedures. Much safer backup all your important data in an external hard drive in a drawer in your house somewhere.
[citation][nom]Deadstick50[/nom]I would love to build your next gaming system, I like people like you who understand the value of a PC platform for gaming!!I really do build custom gaming rigs for sale, built to your requirements.My last build went into a HAF 912, and is currently driving a 52" LCD screen! Nothing better than a sucessful build!![/citation]
What part of "[I am a fluffy bunny and sooo dang soft]" do you not understand exactly? Did you even read my post, most people don't use their [fur to wipe of ketsup], nor are their [paws able to out run wild ketsup], that's just indisputable fact. And I've been putting together my own [fluffy bunny army], and have a degree in [omgwthiamsocute], so odds are I know[how to act like an adorable creature} in that regard more than yourself.

*edited at the request of Malphas
Oh, sorry for being an asshole, read your post as sarcasm then realised it wasn't. This thread has me on edge for some reason. Apologies.
In fact, inside Google, Brin estimated that only about 20 percent of its employees still use Windows. The rest of the staff either run Mac OS X or a flavor of Linux.

What? Google's staff use OS X & Linux & Windows? I would have thought they'd use Chrome? You mean they can't program and develop on Chrome? //

Maybe, if Google can prove that they can run their own business on Chrome, then others will listen. Are YOU listening, Google?
[citation][nom]Parrdacc[/nom]To me, in some respects, we seem to be going backwards. With clouds and dumb down OS's, it just seems instead of learning the complexities and in turn how to use them to our advantage we are just throwing all that to some no name companies to do it for us. I fear that future computers will basically be nothing more then dumb terminals restricted to only the apps approved of by the companies in their respective clouds, and the ability to explore, learn, and just plain tinker to see what happens will be a thing of the past.[/citation]
There are some people who do not want to have to mess with their computers they just want them to work. These are the same people that lose all their data because they don't back up...seems like a match made in heaven to me. For the rest of us we stick to what we do and have.
I just went through re-registering EXE's after a root kit and a disinfect left all EXE's non-runnable. (The RK installed right through a brand name, up-to-date security suite). The cure was off-line copying a set of registry fix-ups, and then getting them in there by using a hidden menu trick in Task Manager to get cmd.exe to run. I pieced this solution together by surfing multiple different forums on various not-quite-so related topics.

Yeah, I'd say keeping Windows running is torture.
I really love the idea of all my mobile devices being cloud-enabled Linux based toys (phone, tablet, fridge, coffee maker). But my desktop is stuck with windows because 1) I store data offline for bandwidth and privacy reasons, and 2) I am a gamer and no current industry can compete with directx on windows.
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