News Google showcases bizarre double-sided Japanese keyboard, which it won't sell — the keyboard uses a Möbius strip as its foundation

🤣🤣... those Japanese and their sense of humor. I laughed for a while at the explanation of "why" a keyboard of this type is necessary and what "problems" it solves. A lot of anime and manga, a lot.
While it uses mechanical keys, the MX switches aren’t hot-swappable, as the design stands.
Not sure what gave the author this impression -- hotswap sockets are clearly visible in one of the photos (circled below), and are part of the BOM for the "A type" and "B type" PCBs.

Also notable is that they bothered to put individually-addressable RGB LEDs under each keyswitch. The effect is somewhat wasted, given the keycaps and mobius-strip housing are completely opaque. But it's a nice touch.
It's still a single sided keyboard. The whole point of a Möbius strip is that it only has a single side.