Google's Schmidt: Give an iPhone Owner an Android Device

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I dislike Apple strongly because of the way they support their exceedingly expensive devices. I find iOS really weird; I grabbed Android and it practically downloaded the use information into my head - it was extremely easy for me to figure out.

It was less than 3 months and I was ready to root it and head out to see the world.

iOS by comparison has not worked without a support call with any bluetooth peripheral I've tried the first time and Apple was very unhelpful - Android has a massive community to help deal with any issues that might crop up.

My primary distaste for Android is the increasing G+ integration and closed-source creep. I don't want G+, but if the creep continues, my ROMs won't have any option but to include it unless I want to stay on a prehistoric OS version.
google so desperate now it seems
i usually see this kind of hard selling from direct sales guy selling useless goods,this is ugly for a multi billion corp

You completely set yourself up. Did you expect to comment like that on THG without having your your message set on fire. Wow...

THG has some of the more tech-savvy users out there. (I.e. not crapple friendly).
They won't stay with it for long. I went to a note 3 from Iphone 5 and gave the 5 to my wife. After all of the quirky bugs that still hamper android I turned it into the most expensive pape weight ever. I switched account to my old iphone 4s that I got replaced through apple care to have it sparkely new. Anyway done with android until they fix all of the memory leaks, crappy phone reception, lock ups, etc.
Lol to the Mac technician whom out of 400 users, only two of them run Windows.

I, as an MCP, have seen e v e r y single Mac I've known, running Windows at some point.

Every, single, one.

Not one exception.

Swallow that.
As an end product from the customer's point of view Android is a much better phone. Comparing Galaxy SIV and latest iPhone shows advantage to Galaxy's side.

From the developer's point of view, iPhone tools, XCode, automatic object referencing, garbage collector, code simplicity, iPhone is a much much better experience. Code for Android phones tends to look hell ugly and complicated.
My last two phone have been a Note 3 and HTC One, not bad phones by any means but not great either. Up to switching to Android I had every incarnation of iPhone, and before that Windows Mobile. I'm a techie, and write mobile phone software for a living, so moving to the iPhone from Windows Mobile was a dream for any programmer. These things can do almost anything, and so powerful considering the smaller CPU. The only reason I went Android was for the bigger screen, but for me writing software in Java is like a programmer selling his soul to the devil. Most of the software I write won't even run on an Android phone despite being double the CPU of the latest iPhone. I will be moving back to iOS as soon as they release a bigger phone. I am so wanting to offload my over hyped Note 3 and it's gimmickry...

Such as? Aside from bragging about having an ipad, I can't really see what they would lose out on.

I would also like to know this. Everyone we transitioned from iPhones to Android had no trouble finding all of the apps they use.
@bluekoala I might just do that, I still have time to return my iphone. I'm going to check it out tomorrow. Even though it's a 5 inch screen it's still small dimension wise and it's light, so it might be just what I'm looking for.
@JD88: I just listed an entire industry above.

If everyone you "transitioned" had no trouble finding all their Apps then they must not do much with their phones.

All the top common Apps exist on both iOS and Android. It's when you start looking at things outside the common (like vertical markets) that Android really lags behind.

I gave music production as an example because it's one my girls use. On mobile, iOS completely dominates this market.

100% agree about windows phone 8. I switched from a droid X to the lumia 920 a year ago and never looked back. over thanksgiving I had to help my parents with their phones. my mom has some droid phone and my dad has an iphone. my god, they were both messy, bloated and ugly as hell. after using live tiles for a year, it's seems like ios and droid were made with the mentality of shrinking a desktop UI to fit a small touchscreen instead of being organically mobile.
I'm an iPhone user with 3 android devices at home, 1 of which I own.

It wasn't given to me. I paid for it. I'm still an iPhone/iPad user.

You have to remember that most people who want an affordable touch screen phone will not get an iPhone. This is reinforced by app purchase and internet usage statistics, showing that most people who use smartphones as smartphones instead of just a touch screen phone with some apps are iPhone users.

OS X is based on BSD Unix. Most of the old Unix gurus I know have switched to Macbooks instead of Windows for that reason (Linux is a PITA to install on a recently-released notebook and have all the hardware work). That's also where OS X gets a lot of its better security than Windows. Unix was designed from the ground up to be used in a networked multi-user environment; Windows and Mac OS were designed to be single-user and patched to add network and multi-user capability.

It's always a hoot when someone asks me to troubleshoot their Mac, and I fire up a terminal and start typing in arcane Unix commands. The look on their face when they realize what's running "under the hood" of their pretty GUI is priceless.

Agreed. I also think it's important for both iOS and Android fans to realize that if the other didn't exist, their favored product would not be as polished and wouldn't introduce as many new features each year. The best outcome for everyone is if both remain healthy competitors. The worst outcome is if one "wins" and completely dominates the other.

The vast majority of Mac owners I know are in the creative art-type industries (graphics, photo, video, music, etc). That's actually Apple's bread and butter, and the software for those fields is better on OS X than for Windows. For these people, it's easy and actually preferable to use all-Mac software.

Most of the people I know outside of those fields who switched from Windows to Mac do run boot camp or VMWare (typically boot camp for games or VMWare for developing).

It's also worth pointing out that you can do the reverse - run OS X in a VMWare virtual machine on a Windows or Unix host, if you apply a hack. There's nothing "special" about Mac hardware (aside from being designed with artist types in mind - e.g. screens come color calibrated from the factory). The only reason you need a hack is because of an Apple licensing limitation that VMWare honors (their software will refuse to let you install a desktop version of OS X in a VM). The hack simply removes that bit of code.
"f one of the android manufacturers prefferably samsung or htc would make a 4 inch phone with 720p and up and a quad core processor I would switch back In a second."

I have an HTC Amaze with 4.3" screen dual core. It's older but you just aren't going to see any difference with a 720p res on such a small screen unless you literally put it right up to your face. Also there isn't anything any newer quad droid or iphone 5c can do that I can't do on mine. I also have had a 30day uptime on my phone without having to reboot.
I own an Ipad 3 and a number of android devices - I also own a W8 pro tablet but that's a very distant 3rd as a tablet device. Android has come a long way and is my current preference but that could change depending what new apps I find useful. I'm pretty vendor agnostic and price points and hardware specs matter to me more than what OS/marketplace is installed. I showed the Ipad to my wife and she said "so what?" She wants to stay on Android because she's developed an affinity for it and it's good enough so that she does not feel the need to convert.

I would strongly suggest trying the Moto X. It really gives up very little to the 4" phones in terms of size thanks to impressive design and insanely small bezels.
Gotta say though, I'm not liking Kit-Kat so much, least of all for the shameless corporate sponsorship.
The G+ integration is going to be a killer for me, which sucks hard because I refuse to use an iPoS. I don't want every aspect of my life integrated with social media and especially the web. There is one reason only that I use FB, and that's to get escalated customer support when needed.

Just give me a smartphone and offer apps for the social integration aspects that are optional. I want nothing to do with it otherwise.
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