[citation][nom]jnffarrell1[/nom]Google is giving Microsoft enough rope to hang itself with knock out tactics learned from IBM and applied since the '90s to favor IE and other MS internet products. With Windows 7 SP1 and Windows 8, MS makes it difficult to impossible for users to exercise their right to other browsers, other search, map, social, etc. Apps.When the smoke clears in the EU, reciprocal open interfaces for browsers, search, maps and Apps will apply to Google, Apple, Microsoft and other 'ecosystems'.[/citation]
What are you blabbering about? There's absolutely nothing stopping Google or anyone from releasing their own browser or search app in the W8 store. You can still change your default search provider, you can download apps for these search providers, nothing is stopping a user from using their favorite search provider. There's a map app included by default in W8 but nothing stops you from looking elsewhere (like Google Maps). Facebook, twitter, etc all play a big part in W8 store. There's a ton of apps for social services.
And that's just on the Modern UI, in desktop mode there's absolutely NOTHING that can stop you from doing what you could do in previous OS.