Got a new GPU,screen is flickering.


Apr 8, 2015
So i recently bought a new GPU,the Sapphire R9 280X Dual-X edition,and i have some issues.I also bought a new case for the PC,and after installing everything,i jumped into CSGO to check things,and i noticed the monitor was flickering.Like lots of lines just jumping faintly up and down.Thought it was a bad connection.Reconnected everything again,even moved the pci cable to go from the inside,not from the back of the case,just to make sure it wasn't twisting and stuff,still the same problem.Ran fallout 4,and on the dark places it is more noticeable.This is happening only in game,but i am noticing a bit of a flicker when im on the desktop browsing and stuff.Not sure what to do?
I am using a fairly old monitor,the Asus VW202SR,and im connecting it to the gpu with a vga to dvi adapter.I have not tried using my TV with the gpu,but i will try that tomorrow.Also,i will see if i can test the card on another PC,but as of now,from what could this flickering be?Do i have a faulty card?Im thinking it is the monitor,and something with the dvi adapter.I read that sometimes it can happen,because of the vga to dvi connection,and i have seen people resolving the issue by getting a monitor with a dvi output and connecting the card directly to the monitor.I will get a new monitor either way,just want to make sure it is not the gpu that is causing the problems.

Any help would be appreciated,thanks.

Just for the info here is my pc specs.

Asrock H61M/U3S3
Intel Core i5-3450 3.1Ghz
Kingston 2x4GB DDR 1600Mhz
R9 280X Dual-X 3GB
XFX TS Gold Series 650W PSU

Yep, that all suggests that the flickering monitor is faulty. Buzzing noises are definitely not signs of a healthy monitor 🙁

If I were to guess, I'd think that the monitor's power supply is breaking down.
DVI to VGA adapters shouldn't cause problems like this, but I wouldn't call it impossible if they are damaged or faulty. They are not converting signals or anything like that, just rearranging pins. DVI-I DVI-A, and VGA use the same analogue signalling.

The graphics card might be faulty. This is more likely, especially if the flickering only happens during games when the graphics card is working the hardest. It may also be a driver issue. Did you fully uninstall all previous graphics drivers before installing the new card?

The monitor could also be at fault, but if it worked fine before the graphics upgrade, then the monitor is probably fine.
So i just tried the card with my TV using the HDMI,a Toshiba full hd 32inch.No problems,played fallout and csgo with no flickering,or something like that.
I have uninstalled the drivers yes,and just installed the latest drivers,after i swapped the cards.My old card is GTX660 DCU2 Asus,and i had no problems like that with it.Also another thing i have noticed is,when i hop ingame i hear something like a slight buzzing sound,really faint coming from the monitor,but when im not ingame it stops.I will try with another adapter tomorrow,but should i try the gpu on a different PC also?Since it worked with the HDMI adn the TV,and there is no flickering,could it be probably the monitor,or a faulty adapter,or a cable maybe?
A little update.
I tried the gpu with my TV which is a Toshiba FullHD 32inch,using the HDMI of the videocard,no problems at all.
Also tried it with a small 22 inch Phillips TV,also fullHD but i used the DVI to VGA adapter and the VGA cable of my monitor to connect the gpu to the TV.Also didn't experience flickering or something like that in game,nor on the desktop.So it should be my monitor right?Either way,i will be getting a new monitor soon,so will see how that goes.