Question Looking for suggestions on a vertical gaming mouse?

Not a gamer per se (full disclosure).

Overall, for the most part, any computer user's preferred mouse is a subjective choice.

What that means is that the choice is purely subjective.

What I ( 7 1/2" measurement) like is a basic Logitech M310 mouse.

All you can do is to try out as many mice as possible in order to find the mouse that seems to work and be comfortable for you.

Go to as many places as you can to go "hands on" with mice that may meet your requirements.

Try, test.

Just my thoughts on the matter.
What I ( 7 1/2" measurement) like is a basic Logitech M310 mouse.
As the title states, I'm looking specifically for a vertical mouse. I'm trying to alleviate forearm strain that builds up when gaming for long hrs. It's caused by using your hand in a horizontal position for prolonged periods, which twists the 2 bones in your forearm, causing pressure on the tendons. It can actually lead to Carpal Tunnel syndrome.
Fair enough.

I am not a doctor (full disclosure) so will not speculate on possible ways to alleviate the strain etc..

However, I will suggest that you see a doctor and have your arm and hand examined before doing anything.

What might seem to be a "solution" could actually cause more harm in the longer term.

I had some problems a few years ago and what I thought was the problem was not. A bit of prescribed physical therapy fixed the matter.

It may prove out that a "vertical" mouse is not even needed.

That, however, is up to the doctor.
I ended up buying the Logitech MX Vertical at Best Buy. It was on sale plus there was 20% off on top of that, which is a recycle and save offer. I don't know what to think about it so far. In the store I first saw it that had it on display (Office Depot), it fit well in my hand. I started playing STALKER 2 with it after setting it up at home, the part where you go back to Duga after getting the Psi Suppressor. I initially had better than expected semi long kills with the Vintar fighting against the Monolith, but as the session grew longer it felt clumsy to use. It's a bit heavier than my Razer, and bulkier, and it slips much worse when being gripped. I accidentally bashed into the end of my keyboard quite often, and quite a few times accidentally brushed the scroll causing a weapon switch at bad times. It's also WAY harder to react quickly with when random creatures attack unexpectedly, especially Blood Suckers. It's also hard to figure what sensitivity works best. I had my Razer in game set pretty low, about 25%, but this one I had to start at 50%, then 60%. I ended up taking it down to 40%, but the issues mentioned above are more the problem.

I'm going to force myself to use it for at least 3-4 weeks, but I will end up returning it if I can't get used to it.