GPU for Rift and future MMOs?


Sep 10, 2011
Hi everyone. I've been reading this site for a while now. I just recently registered and this is my first time posting.

Okay, so like the title says, I need a new GPU. I don't have much to spend but I'm willing go big enough to get good quality. Problem is I don't know where the good buys are, because I don't have any hands on experience with high end cards. All I have is tons of $30-50 cards lying around.

Alright, so I run on my 1GB DDR2 9500 GT, I think Galaxy made it. I play on a 20" monitor (1600x900) in full screen mode. On World of Warcraft, it gives me ~20fps on true ultra settings. So I simply dropped shadows and liquid detail to the lowest setting and haven't gone under 55fps yet. I really care about fps performance over the pretty stuff. WoW is well known for it's low requirements, and I love that aspect.

Anyway, the problems occur with Rift. I set my game to the preset minimum only to get an avg 32fps. On medium I got 11fps. I do not like this! I tried the low quality render option... I know I said that the fine details of the graphics aren't important to me, but that is pretty bad. My character doesn't look invisible when I stealth, he just crouches down. =( Even at 84fps I'll pass.

Okay, so to the point.

My brother uses the 1GB DDR3 HD 4670 @ 1920x1080 and gets 36 frames on low (preset between minimum and medium, obviously), so I figured that card could put my 1600x900 around 35fps on medium. I am trying to get 60fps on medium.

So I was thinking of going one step above the 4670 and I ran into the 1GB DDR3 9800 GT and it is suppose to put the 4670 to shame. I found EVGA's 9800 on TigerDirect for $70 and I am highly considering it, but will that give me 60fps on medium? It's an older card, I realize. Also, the fact that it isn't DX11 doesn't bother me.

If I bought the 1GB GDDR5 HD 6770 could I step up to ultra and keep 60 fps? I'm considering it as well even at a $120 price tag I would have something ready to play Guild Wars 2 or other future MMOs. I was looking at the Sapphire 6770, by the way.

Should I be ashamed to be in a position where the 9800 GT is an upgrade? Will the 6770 perform only marginally better than the 9800 GT? I'm not trying to ask which card is better, I believe that is already clear. I just want to know if the 9800 GT will meet my criteria and if the 6770 will exceed it.


Sep 10, 2011
Whoops! Almost forgot to give my specs.

Phenom II 965 3.4GHz, currently stock speeds
G.Skill Ripjaw DDR3 1333 4GB (2x2GB)
Antec Earthwatts 650W w/ PCI-e connector
WD Caviar Black HDD