My computer is roughly a year and a half old and I've had plenty of heating issues with the CPU in the past. The issue was almost always dust related. I've never noticed a GPU issue though. Granted, I never really checked the GPU before.
Well I just picked up a 2nd monitor and now I can have tools open on one screen while I stress test on the main screen. And now I realize... Holy cow, my GPU is about to melt... And likely has been for the past... Forever?
Currently my Radeon 5770 idles at 67 degrees C. My case is fairly breezy (a handful of fans and plenty of air holes all over it, which also conversely contributes to the dust problem). The fan on the video card is still running, and I blew as must dust from it (and the rest of my system) just earlier today. Yet when I run a game like Skyrim, my GPU temp jumps up to 97+ degrees C, and capped out at 99 degrees C multiple times (I don't think my GPU temp reader even does a 3rd digit, hah). Yet the game runs smoothly, and there doesn't seem to be any sign of a problem other than my video cards fan spinning in super overdrive mode (it gets super loud when I run a taxing game).
I also get the feeling it has been running at these temps for a long time running now, as my system is no more 'clean' than it has been in the past. In fact, it's more clean now then ever. Yet I haven't had an actual problem with overheating other than my CPUs.
My system is fairly stock (with the exception of my heatsink and fan since I OC'd my CPU by a hair. My RAM also uses some RAM profile to allow the sticks to run at 1600 instead of 1333). So I am having trouble understanding how this card could run so damn hot yet still function fine.
Edit: I meant to say the clock speed starts going super fast, not the fan.
Well I just picked up a 2nd monitor and now I can have tools open on one screen while I stress test on the main screen. And now I realize... Holy cow, my GPU is about to melt... And likely has been for the past... Forever?
Currently my Radeon 5770 idles at 67 degrees C. My case is fairly breezy (a handful of fans and plenty of air holes all over it, which also conversely contributes to the dust problem). The fan on the video card is still running, and I blew as must dust from it (and the rest of my system) just earlier today. Yet when I run a game like Skyrim, my GPU temp jumps up to 97+ degrees C, and capped out at 99 degrees C multiple times (I don't think my GPU temp reader even does a 3rd digit, hah). Yet the game runs smoothly, and there doesn't seem to be any sign of a problem other than my video cards fan spinning in super overdrive mode (it gets super loud when I run a taxing game).
I also get the feeling it has been running at these temps for a long time running now, as my system is no more 'clean' than it has been in the past. In fact, it's more clean now then ever. Yet I haven't had an actual problem with overheating other than my CPUs.
My system is fairly stock (with the exception of my heatsink and fan since I OC'd my CPU by a hair. My RAM also uses some RAM profile to allow the sticks to run at 1600 instead of 1333). So I am having trouble understanding how this card could run so damn hot yet still function fine.
Edit: I meant to say the clock speed starts going super fast, not the fan.