My gpu nvidia 1050ti stopped working the other day when i switched on my pc it said "no signal hdmi" i checked the HDMI cables but they were working so i took my motherboard and gpu for servicing they said my motherboard was ok but my GPU was "short" its a slag they use which i did not understand so i asked another technicion and he said "the reverse current flow from the monitor to the GPU migh have damage it".
So anyway they couldnt fix my GPU so they gave me a new piece, ive had similar problems in my house where my amplifier had short circuit so should i invest in a power conditioner to safeguard my components? i have a spike guard connected to the main supply current and the monitor and psu are connected to it. what should i do?
So anyway they couldnt fix my GPU so they gave me a new piece, ive had similar problems in my house where my amplifier had short circuit so should i invest in a power conditioner to safeguard my components? i have a spike guard connected to the main supply current and the monitor and psu are connected to it. what should i do?