Question GPU suddenly dont show any display and fans spins at max speed?


Jul 24, 2016
My spec is:
  • i9-9900k
  • Evga rtx 2080s XC ultra OC
  • Aorus 240 liquid cooler
  • Aorus elite z390 mobo
  • Antec NE600G PSU
  • Corsair vengeance pro 16GB running at 3200xmp
The pc runs everything at stock except for the RAM
pc always worked fine until last night i was playing game and then suddenly the GPU didnt show any display at all and i restart the PC and now its just the fan spinning really fast and no lights coming out from the GPU like its suppose to when it was working(when i was troubleshooting this at one point i forgot to plug in the power for GPU and its the same, the fan is spinning and ofc there is no light) is it the GPU failing or is it the mobo?
i cant even get into bios when i plug in the GPU because it wont show any display at all, the only way i can do that is by using the integrated graphic on the mobo by removing the gpu and switched the output to mobo.. the mobo integrated graphic works just fine and i can just go to windows
idk if it helps but the case fan rgb lighthing still stays on when i turned off the pc after the no display problem.. when it should be off when i turned it off.. and the lighthing would only die when i turn off the PSU
is it the mobo failing?, Everything else on the mobo is working fine except for the GPU

What i tried :
i checked the cables from gpu to the monitor and nothing is wrong
i did try clearing CMOS
i also tried different PSU unit (only 24 pin for mobo, 8pin for processor, and 8+6 for GPU, idk if this would work, its just that tech supports told me that by plugging those 3 in without plugging the other power like storage sata or AIO cooler should be it enough for u to see the LED for the GPU wether it works or not)and its still the same
Tried testing the PSU with digital tester and it works fine
i checked the GPU pins too and it seems to be fine

Update : i tried letting it run for about 8 minutes and now the GPU fan spins and stops every couple of seconds.

After a couple of hours the GPU store contacted me and want me to send them a video as proof and to diagnose the problem but then when i turned on the pc.. the GPU now works just fine, like theres no problem.

After 2 days its working fine the morning after that i turned the PC on it works until it finished booting into windows where the GPU led would die and start spinning at max again, the difference this time is that i just power the PC off and on and the GPU would work just fine until it finished booting into windows.

For some reason at this point it was everytime logitech G-HUB finished being loaded and the GPU would die again, so i went ahead and uninstalled logitech G-HUB and the PC just works fine for the rest of the day, until the day after where i start the PC it finished booting into windows and the GPU died, but at this point the problem is when i power it off and on the GPU would work fine for a couple of second and after that the GPU died, i also noticed the mobo warning LED indicating from CPU then DRAM for a brief second then switch to VGA the GPU died and the warning stays there, at this point i rechecked everything to see if there is any hardware affecting the GPU but i dont find any problem, i also tried turning it off and on multiple time to see if the GPU would work and the mobo warning led sometimes(like 1/7 it happens) didnt stay on VGA and it proceed to show the led on boot(which is what it was suppose to be) but the GPU still died.
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i have sent the GPU back for RMA but the store needs to test it, but its been 2 days and the GPU works fine there.. if anyone could point where is the issue that would be great
Intermittent issues like those can be very difficult to diagnose. The whole PC being stuck in a power-up, power-down loop every few seconds is often a sign of the PSU acting up or being caused to act up by the way the CPU, GPU, PSU and respective voltage regulators interact with each other. Maybe your specific component combination aged in a way that landed you in an unstable spot.

How different is the "different PSU" you tried? Equivalent or better quality of same or higher rating or just a random PSU-shaped object you happened to have in your spare bin?
Intermittent issues like those can be very difficult to diagnose. The whole PC being stuck in a power-up, power-down loop every few seconds is often a sign of the PSU acting up or being caused to act up by the way the CPU, GPU, PSU and respective voltage regulators interact with each other. Maybe your specific component combination aged in a way that landed you in an unstable spot.
idk if it would be considered as pc being stuck in power up and down loop.. but its just the GPU suddenly acts as if its not receiving any power at all, while if i use iGPU it works just fine
i forgot to mention, the PC works fine.. for 2-3 months, idk if its the case of PSU but even after the first time having the issue i still usually get like 90-98% usage with the GPU and there is no problem at all(which i guess if its the PSU dying, using more GPU should've trigger the problem)
Do this look fine?
Lately the time where i have the problem is when i try to turn it on in the morning, i also noticed that the GPU died when the AIO just turn on, it usually would turn on and off first(this is normal).. then it would turn on for the second time and at this point the GPU will lose the LED light and the fan start spinning at max
at one point the GPU stays on but it was the AIO cooler that is not displaying anything and the fans didnt turn on.
Could it be the cooler and GPU land me on the bad combination or could it be the motherboard.
I would have a hard time imagining how a GPU and AiO cooler combination may have issues with each other since the pump is a negligible load on the PSU and a pretty consistent one at that. The behavior likely has more to do with the order in which the GPU and system BIOS initialize components out of their default states.

If the GPU works fine in a different system, the next suspect after the PSU may be a flaky motherboard. Check that you have the latest BIOS installed in case it got a compatibility/stability enhancement update that might solve your problem. You may want to remove the GPU for the BIOS update process just to make sure the intermittent GPU won't brick your board in mid-update.
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I would have a hard time imagining how a GPU and AiO cooler combination may have issues with each other since the pump is a negligible load on the PSU and a pretty consistent one at that. The behavior likely has more to do with the order in which the GPU and system BIOS initialize components out of their default states.

If the GPU works fine in a different system, the next suspect after the PSU may be a flaky motherboard. Check that you have the latest BIOS installed in case it got a compatibility/stability enhancement update that might solve your problem. You may want to remove the GPU for the BIOS update process just to make sure the intermittent GPU won't brick your board in mid-update.
Already updated the BIOS when the GPU was being tested for 3 days in the store, after the GPU returned and i install it, with updated BIOS this time around, it worked normally at first time.. but the problem now occurs at one part and that is when the computer start the very first time of the day, and after 2-3 forcing the pc to turn off and on again.. it would work, for the rest of the day.
the BIOS before worked just fine with the GPU for 3 months until it just starts to have problem out of nowhere, could the BIOS still be at fault here?
it has been occured twice since the past days that the GPU runs fine but the AIO didnt... the fans and pump screen died but i can hear the pump at max speed, at this point im quite sure the GPU is not broken.
So i guess.. its the motherboard? Or CPU?
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I may have missed it as the original post was a long read, but you have tried another graphics card in your system?. If so for how long?

Seems like it may be a pcie slot issue as you seem to have covered most other bases.
no, i dont have any spare GPU around, i tried moving the GPU to the 2nd pcie and its still the same
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Ok its been 3 days, and now the problem seems to either be happening to the GPU or the AIO.. when it was starting its either the GPU led died,GPU fan spins at max speed and the monitor went on standby or the AIO screen died,AIO fan stop and the monitor didnt go on standby but it wont boot to windows it just shows a black screen. the problem didnt occur to both, its either one of it. And i need 2-4 holding the power off then on again until the pc work and it will work fine for the rest of the day, restart, shutting it down and power it on again and there isnt any problem... it only occurs if i shut down the PC for more than like 2-5 hours and the problem will occur..
Anyone got any idea what part is having a faulty?
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If by AIO you mean CPU cooler and it is powered by the motherboard's fan/pump headers, the AIO not working could be a hint that your motherboard is having issues at least when your RTX2080 is present.
Yes.. i meant the CPU cooler, out of like 1/9 times the GPU works however the CPU cooler pump led screen dont show anything, the fan on radiator didnt spin at all, and the monitor didnt go to standby but there is only black screen after the windows logo.
However the aorus CPU cooler didnt power the fan with fan/pump headers, but it connect the fan to the cable on the pump first and one of the cable of the pump then connects to SATA power. The pump also connect through the motherboard USB but i dont think thats where the power comes from

if it helps or anything at one point i tried to press and hold the power button in front of the pc and it didnt do anything so i stopped pressing and then press it again after 5 second and then it worked
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