[SOLVED] GPU upgrade on p67FTW for Rainbow Six Siege

Nov 16, 2019
I'm currently playing Rainbow Six Siege on a rig I inherited from my grandfather. It's got an i7-2600k and an Nvidia GTX 460 running on an EVGA P67FTW. I can squeeze 60hz out of it at a resolution between 720 and 1080.

The Siege devs are looking to possibly start using Vulkan in the near future, which means I'll no longer be able to run it. I'd be very grateful for some advice about a GPU upgrade.

I'm going to eventually build a new PC, but money is a huge issue at the moment. I'd like to be able to upgrade my GPU now and eventually move it to the new system. Ideally, I'd like the new system to be able to run Siege at 1080p 144hz with low settings for as little money as possible. What are the cheapest options I have to be able to accomplish this? I'm not partial to any brands whatsoever, I'm just looking for the cheapest option to achieve even roughly 144hz. I also have no problem with a used GPU from a reputable vendor as long as it wasn't used for mining.

tl;dr I need a cheap GPU that is both compatible with the p67 chipset and capable of running Siege @1080p ~144hz low settings

Any advice at all will be greatly appreciated.
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I've seen RX590s for ~$180. Might be able to snag one for even a little less next week. Keep your eye out.

Keep in mind, these are ULTRA settings, but:
Nov 16, 2019
Thanks for the reply!

I'm in the US

250 seems a little steep. I'd like to see if it's possible to get something that will perform what I need for cheaper.

Corsair ax750

My monitor is a viewsonic 1080p 60hz monitor. I can look up the exact model in the morning if you like.